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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing B, D, E, F, L and R

BIRDLIFESBIRDLIFE n. birds collectively.
BROADLEAFbroadleaf adj. Pertaining to trees with relatively broad, flat leaves as opposed to needles, or woodlands made up of such trees.
broadleaf adj. Used in the name of a plant or tree: having especially broad leaves.
broadleaf n. A tree (Terminalia latifolia, now Terminalia catappa) of Jamaica.
DEFERABLEdeferable adj. Alternative form of deferrable.
DEFERABLE adj. that can be deferred, also DEFERRABLE.
DRAFTABLEdraftable adj. Capable of being drafted.
DRAFTABLE adj. that can be drafted.
FLATBREADflatbread n. A thin, flat bread, often made from unleavened dough.
flat␣bread n. Alternative form of flatbread.
FLATBREAD n. a type of thin unleavened bread.
FLOWERBEDflowerbed n. A part of a garden or park where flowers are grown.
flower␣bed n. Alternative spelling of flowerbed.
FLOWERBED n. a bed containing flowers.
FLYBRIDGEflybridge n. A flying bridge.
FLYBRIDGE n. an open deck on a cabin cruiser.
RIFLEBIRDriflebird n. Any of four species of birds of paradise in the genus Ptiloris.
RIFLEBIRD n. each of three birds of paradise of the genus Ptiloris, having velvety black plumage with bright coloured patches, and a long bill.
SUBFOLDERsubfolder n. (Computing) A folder within another folder.
SUBFOLDER n. a subdivision of a folder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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