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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, C, N, R, T and U

BUCENTAURbucentaur n. A supposed mythical monster, half ox, half man.
bucentaur n. A Venetian barge modelled on the state barge (called Bucentaur) used annually on Ascension Day in the…
BUCENTAUR n. (Italian) a state barge of Venice from which the Doge dropped a ring into the sea.
BUCKTHORNbuckthorn n. Any of several, often thorny shrubs or small trees, especially.
BUCKTHORN n. a shrub of the Rhamnus genus.
CROTONBUGCroton␣bug n. Blattella germanica; German cockroach. See cockroach.
CROTONBUG n. a species of cockroach.
CURBSTONEcurbstone n. US spelling of kerbstone.
CURBSTONE n. a stone lining a curb, also KERBSTONE.
CYBERNAUTcybernaut n. A voyager in cyberspace; a user of the Internet or virtual reality.
CYBERNAUT n. a person using the Internet.
INCUBATORincubator n. (Chemistry) Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction.
incubator n. (Medicine) An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby.
incubator n. An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs.
INTERCLUBinterclub adj. Between clubs.
INTERCLUB adj. between clubs.
LUBRICANTlubricant n. A substance used to reduce friction between objects or surfaces.
lubricant n. A personal lubricant.
LUBRICANT n. a substance used to reduce friction.
OBSCURANTobscurant adj. Acting or tending to confound, obfuscate, or obscure.
obscurant adj. Typical of or pertaining to obscurants; obscurantic; obscurantistic.
obscurant n. One who acts to confound or obfuscate; an obscurantist.
RECUMBENTrecumbent adj. Lying down.
recumbent adj. Inactive; idle.
recumbent n. A bicycle or tricycle that places the rider in a reclined posture.
RUBESCENTrubescent adj. Turning red; reddening.
RUBESCENT adj. growing red; blushing.
SUBCANTORsubcantor n. Synonym of succentor.
SUBCANTOR n. a subordinate cantor, a singer; esp. the leader of a church choir.
SUBCENTERsubcenter n. A local center in a larger network.
SUBCENTER n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTRE.
SUBCENTREsubcentre n. Alternative form of subcenter.
SUBCENTRE n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTER.
TURNBACKSturnbacks n. Plural of turnback.
TURNBACK n. a part of a garment etc. that can be turned back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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