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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, C, M, O, R and U

BECLAMOURbeclamour v. Alternative form of beclamor.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
BRONCHIUMbronchium n. (Anatomy, usually in the plural) A bronchial tube; a subdivision of the bronchus.
BRONCHIUM n. (Latin) a small branch of the windpipe.
CALEMBOURcalembour n. A pun.
CALEMBOUR n. (French) a pun.
CARBONIUMcarbonium n. (Dated, chemistry, deprecated) Any of several organic cations; carbocation or carbenium.
CARBONIUM n. a type of positively charged organic ion.
CIBORIUMSciboriums n. Plural of ciborium.
CIBORIUM n. (Latin) a vessel for holding eucharistic bread.
CLUBROOMSclubrooms n. Plural of clubroom.
CLUBROOM n. a room in a club.
COLUMBARYcolumbary n. A pigeon house or dovecot.
COLUMBARY n. a dovecote; a pigeon house.
COMBRETUMcombretum n. Any of a number of tropical trees and shrubs in the genus Combretum.
Combretum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Combretaceae – the bushwillows.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
COMBUSTORcombustor n. A chamber acting as the furnace in a jet engine or turbine engine, where intense combustion is induced.
COMBUSTOR n. the system in a jet engine by which combustion takes place.
CORYMBOUScorymbous adj. In the form of a corymb.
CORYMBOUS adj. like a corymb, a flattish-topped raceme.
CURRYCOMBcurrycomb n. A comb or brush, having rubber or plastic teeth, used to groom horses.
currycomb v. (Transitive) To groom using such a comb.
curry-comb v. Alternative form of currycomb.
LAMBRUSCOLambrusco n. A slightly sparkling Italian red wine with a low alcohol content.
LAMBRUSCO n. (Italian) an Italian sparkling wine.
MICROTUBEmicrotube n. A microscopic tube, especially one used in the construction of specialized lasers.
MICROTUBE n. a minute tube.
SUBMICRONsubmicron adj. (Physics) Smaller than micron-scale.
submicron n. A unit smaller than a micron.
SUBMICRON n. a particle visible by ultramicroscope but not by the ordinary microscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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