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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, C, I, O, T and U

ABDUCTIONabduction n. Leading away; a carrying away.
abduction n. (Anatomy) The act of abducing or abducting; a drawing apart; the movement which separates a limb or…
abduction n. (Logic) A syllogism or form of argument in which the major premise is evident, but the minor is only probable.
BOUNCIESTbounciest adj. Superlative form of bouncy: most bouncy.
BOUNCY adj. tending to bounce.
COLUMBITEcolumbite n. (Mineralogy) A black mineral that is a mixed iron and manganese niobate and tantalate, and is the main…
COLUMBITE n. a mineral, niobate and tantalate of iron and manganese, aka niobite.
INCUBATORincubator n. (Chemistry) Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction.
incubator n. (Medicine) An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby.
incubator n. An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs.
KICKABOUTkickabout n. An informal amateur game of football/soccer.
KICKABOUT n. an informal game of football, also KICKAROUND.
MICROTUBEmicrotube n. A microscopic tube, especially one used in the construction of specialized lasers.
MICROTUBE n. a minute tube.
OBSCURITYobscurity n. (Literary) Darkness; the absence of light.
obscurity n. The state of being unknown; a thing that is unknown.
obscurity n. The quality of being difficult to understand; a thing that is difficult to understand.
OUTCLIMBSoutclimbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outclimb.
OUTCLIMB v. to surpass in climbing.
SCORBUTICscorbutic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from scurvy.
SCORBUTIC adj. pertaining to or afflicted with scurvy.
SUBACTIONsubaction n. (Obsolete) The act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
subaction n. An action that makes up part of a more complex action.
SUBACTION n. the act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
SUBATOMICsubatomic adj. (Physics) Relating to particles that are constituents of the atom, or are smaller than an atom; such…
subatomic adj. Relating to something that is smaller in scale than the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
sub-atomic adj. Alternative spelling of subatomic.
SUBTONICSsubtonics n. Plural of subtonic.
SUBTONIC n. the seventh tone of a diatonic scale, immediately below the tonic.
SUBTOPICSsubtopics n. Plural of subtopic.
SUBTOPIC n. a secondary topic.
SUBTROPICsubtropic n. A subtropical region.
SUBTROPIC adj. relating to the area lying between the Tropic of Cancer and 40 degrees N, and the Tropic of Capricorn and 40 degrees south, also SUBTROPICAL.
SUBTROPIC n. a subtropical region.
TUBICOLARtubicolar adj. (Zoology) tubicolous.
TUBICOLAR adj. inhabiting a tube, also TUBICOLOUS.
TUBICOLEStubicoles n. Plural of tubicole.
TUBICOLE n. a creature inhabiting a tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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