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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, C, I, N and 2R

BRANCHIERbranchier adj. Comparative form of branchy: more branchy.
BRANCHY adj. having many branches.
CARABINERcarabiner n. A metal link with a gate that can open and close, generally used for clipping ropes to anchors or other objects.
CARABINER n. (German) a steel link with a clip on side used in mountaineering, also KARABINER.
CARBINEERcarbineer n. (Military) A soldier armed with a carbine.
CARBINEER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINEER, CARABINIER, CARBINIER.
CARBINIERcarbinier n. Alternative form of carabineer.
CARBINIER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINEER, CARABINIER, CARBINEER.
CERBERIANCerberian adj. Alternative form of Cerberean.
CERBERIAN adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling, Cerberus, a watchdog, also CERBEREAN.
CORNBRAIDCORNBRAID v. to braid hair in cornrows, also CORNROW.
CORNCRIBScorncribs n. Plural of corncrib.
corn␣cribs n. Plural of corn crib.
CORNCRIB n. a building in which corn is stored.
CYBRARIANcybrarian n. One who maintains a cybrary; a librarian who works with digital resources online.
CYBRARIAN n. a person in charge of computer archives.
INSCRIBERinscriber n. A person who inscribes.
inscriber n. A tool used to inscribe.
INSCRIBER n. one who inscribes.
REBRACINGrebracing v. Present participle of rebrace.
REBRACE v. to brace again.
RUBRICIANrubrician n. One skilled in, or tenaciously adhering to, the rubric or rubrics.
RUBRICIAN n. a student or follower of liturgical rubrics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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