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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, C, I, M and 2O

BIONOMICSbionomics n. The study of an organism and its relation to its environment; ecology.
BIONOMICS n. the study of organisms interacting in their environments.
BOMBYCOIDbombycoid n. Any moth of the superfamily Bombycoidea.
BOMBYCOID adj. of or like a moth of the silkworm family, also BOMBYCID.
BOOMSTICKboomstick n. In logging, any of the larger logs chained together to create a floating boom.
boomstick n. (Slang) Any shotgun, especially a sawn-off version.
BOOMSTICK n. (Canadian) one of the logs that surrounds a boom and holds it together.
COBRIFORMcobriform adj. Shaped like a cobra.
COBRIFORM adj. like or related to the cobra.
COENOBIUMcoenobium n. (Biology) An arranged colony of algae that acts as a single organism; coenobe.
coenobium n. Alternative spelling of cenobium (“monastic community”).
cœnobium n. Obsolete spelling of cenobium.
COULOMBICcoulombic adj. (Dated) electric.
coulombic adj. (Physics) relating to Coulomb’s law and the force it involves.
COULOMBIC adj. of or like a coulomb, the SI unit of electric charge.
COXCOMBICcoxcombic adj. Synonym of coxcombical.
MICROBLOGmicroblog n. (Internet) A blog on which one posts brief, frequent updates on one’s activities.
microblog v. (Internet, transitive, intransitive) To post on a microblog.
MICROBLOG n. a blog in which there is a limitation on the length of individual postings.
MONOBASICmonobasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) Containing one replaceable hydrogen atom.
monobasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) Having one atom of a univalent metal.
monobasic adj. (Zoology) Having only one subordinate taxon; monotypic.
MYCOBIONTmycobiont n. (Lichenology) The fungus that is a component of a lichen.
MYCOBIONT n. the fungal constituent of a lichen.
SCOMBROIDscombroid adj. Pertaining to mackerel.
scombroid n. (Countable) Any fish of the family Scombridae, of which the mackerel (Scomber) is the type.
scombroid n. (Uncountable) A form of food poisoning caused by spoiled fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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