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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, C, E, T and 2U

BUCENTAURbucentaur n. A supposed mythical monster, half ox, half man.
bucentaur n. A Venetian barge modelled on the state barge (called Bucentaur) used annually on Ascension Day in the…
BUCENTAUR n. (Italian) a state barge of Venice from which the Doge dropped a ring into the sea.
BUCKETFULbucketful n. The quantity contained in a bucket.
bucketful n. (By extension) A large quantity.
BUCKETFUL n. the contents of a bucket.
BUCKYTUBEbuckytube n. A carbon nanotube.
BUCKYTUBE n. a tube of carbon atoms.
BUTTERCUPbuttercup n. Any of many herbs, of the genus Ranunculus, having yellow flowers; the crowfoot.
buttercup n. Any flower of the genus Narcissus; a daffodil.
buttercup n. Affectionate or ironic term of address.
CUBATUREScubatures n. Plural of cubature.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
CUBITUSESCUBITUS n. an old measure of length, also CUBIT.
DECUBITUSdecubitus n. (Medicine) The posture of someone in bed, lying down or reclining.
decubitus n. (Pathology) Ellipsis of decubitus ulcer..
DECUBITUS n. (Latin) one's posture or position in bed.
GUTBUCKETgutbucket n. Synonym of washtub bass.
GUTBUCKET n. a homemade bass fiddle with a single string.
LUCUBRATElucubrate v. (Rare) To work diligently by artificial light; to study at night.
lucubrate v. To work or write like a scholar.
LUCUBRATE v. to study by lamplight; to discourse learnedly or pedantically.
SUBDUCTEDsubducted v. Simple past tense and past participle of subduct.
SUBDUCT v. to withdraw; to take away, also SUBDUCE.
TUBERCULAtubercula n. Plural of tuberculum.
TUBERCULUM n. a tubercle.
TUBERCULEtubercule n. Alternative form of tubercle.
TUBERCULE n. a small tuber, protuberance or swelling, also TUBERCLE.
UNSUBJECTunsubject adj. Not subject to something.
UNSUBJECT v. to remove from subjugation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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