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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, C, E, N and 2O

BIOCENOSEBIOCENOSE adj. living together in mutual dependence.
BOLECTIONbolection n. (Architecture) A moulding that covers a joint, especially between joints between surfaces on different levels.
BOLECTION n. a moulding around a panel, projecting beyond the surface of the framing, also BALECTION, BILECTION.
COENOBITEcoenobite n. Alternative spelling of cenobite.
cœnobite n. Obsolete spelling of cenobite.
COENOBITE n. a monk who lives in a community, also CENOBITE.
COENOBIUMcoenobium n. (Biology) An arranged colony of algae that acts as a single organism; coenobe.
coenobium n. Alternative spelling of cenobium (“monastic community”).
cœnobium n. Obsolete spelling of cenobium.
CONGLOBEDconglobed v. Simple past tense and past participle of conglobe.
CONGLOBE v. to become a globule.
CONGLOBESconglobes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conglobe.
CONGLOBE v. to become a globule.
CORNBORERCORNBORER n. a European moth whose larvae have become a pest of maize in America.
HONEYCOMBhoneycomb n. A structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax, to hold their larvae and for storing the…
honeycomb n. (By extension) Any structure resembling a honeycomb.
honeycomb n. (Construction) Voids left in concrete resulting from failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces…
NEOPHOBICneophobic n. (Psychology) A person or animal that fears or dislikes new or novel experiences or food.
neophobic adj. Afflicted by neophobia; fearing or disliking what is new.
NEOPHOBIC adj. hating novelty.
OBJECTIONobjection n. The act of objecting.
objection n. A statement expressing opposition, or a reason or cause for expressing opposition (generally followed…
objection n. (Law) An official protest raised in a court of law during a legal trial over a violation of the rules…
REBLOCHONreblochon n. A soft French cow’s-milk cheese from the Alpine region of Savoie.
Reblochon n. Alternative form of reblochon.
REBLOCHON n. a delicately-flavoured soft cheese, made chiefly in the Savoie region of France.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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