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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, C, E, L, M and S

BECHAMELSbechamels n. Plural of bechamel.
béchamels n. Plural of béchamel.
BECHAMEL n. (French) a rich, white sauce, prepared with butter and cream.
BECLAMORSbeclamors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beclamor.
BECLAMOR v. to beset with noise, also BECLAMOUR.
BELGICISMbelgicism n. (Politics) the political ideology which supports the political and economic union of Belgium; Belgian nationalism.
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a Dutch word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the Dutch…
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a French word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the French…
BLASTEMICblastemic adj. Relating to a blastema.
BLASTEMIC adj. of or like a blastema, the protoplasmic part of an ovum.
CEMBALISTcembalist n. (Historical) An orchestral keyboard player; one who plays piano or harpsichord for an orchestra or ensemble.
CEMBALIST n. a person who plays a cembalo.
CHIMBLEYSchimbleys n. Plural of chimbley.
CHIMBLIESchimblies n. Plural of chimbly.
CLAMBAKESclambakes n. Plural of clambake.
clam␣bakes n. Plural of clam bake.
CLAMBAKE n. the baking or steaming of clams on heated stones, between layers of seaweed.
CLUBMATESclubmates n. Plural of clubmate.
CLUBMATE n. a fellow member of a club.
CRUMBLIEScrumblies n. Plural of crumbly.
CRUMBLIES n. (slang) very old people.
CYMBALERSCYMBALER n. one who plays the cymbals.
CYMBALOEScymbaloes n. Plural of cymbalo.
CYMBALO n. (Italian) the dulcimer.
IMBECILESimbeciles n. Plural of imbecile.
IMBECILE n. a mentally deficient person.
SCAMBLERSscamblers n. Plural of scambler.
SCAMBLER n. (Scots) one who scrounges meals.
SCRAMBLEDscrambled adj. Mixed, disordered, shuffled.
scrambled adj. (Of eggs) Beaten and cooked.
scrambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of scramble.
SCRAMBLERscrambler n. Someone or something that scrambles (in various senses).
scrambler n. A vine that does not attach itself to its supports.
scrambler n. A device that makes messages intentionally, but reversibly, unintelligible for reasons of privacy or security.
SCRAMBLESscrambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scramble.
scrambles n. Plural of scramble.
scrambles n. (Britain, dated, sports) motocross (racing game).
SEMBLANCEsemblance n. Likeness, similarity; the quality of being similar.
semblance n. The way something looks; appearance; form.
SEMBLANCE n. an outward appearance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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