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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2B, E, I, L and N

BELLBINDSBELLBIND n. hedge or field bindweed.
BELLIBONEbellibone n. (Obsolete) A woman excelling both in beauty and goodness; a fair maid.
BELLIBONE n. (Spenser) a woman excelling both in beauty and goodness, also BONIBELL, BONNIBELL.
BINGEABLEbingeable adj. On which one can binge.
BINGEABLE adj. easy to watch, eat, drink, etc. in large quantities.
BLEBBINGSBLEBBING n. the forming of a blister.
BONIBELLSbonibells n. Plural of bonibell.
BONIBELL n. (Spenser) a good and fair maid, also BELLIBONE, BONNIBELL.
BONNIBELLbonnibell n. Obsolete form of bonnibel.
BONNIBELL n. (Spenser) a good and fair maid, also BELLIBONE, BONIBELL.
GOBBELINEGOBBELINE n. (Spenser) a goblin.
KNOBBLIERknobblier adj. Comparative form of knobbly: more knobbly.
KNOBBLY adj. having very small knobs.
KNUBBLIERKNUBBLY adj. having little lumps, also NUBBY, KNUBBY.
NUBBLIESTnubbliest adj. Superlative form of nubbly: most nubbly.
NUBBLY adj. having small protuberances, also NUBBY.
PEBBLINGSpebblings n. Plural of pebbling.
PEBBLING n. in the sport of curling, the act of sprinkling the ice with drops of hot water to slow the stone down.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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