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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing B, L, 2S, T and U

BLUSHETSblushets n. Plural of blushet.
BLUSHET n. a modest, blushing girl.
BLUSTERSblusters n. Plural of bluster.
blusters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bluster.
BLUSTER v. to blow violently.
BUSTLERSbustlers n. Plural of bustler.
BUSTLER n. one who bustles.
OUTBLESSoutbless v. (Transitive) To surpass in giving blessings.
OUTBLESS v. to surpass in blessing.
SALTBUSHsaltbush n. Any of the genus Atriplex of plants, especially Atriplex hortensis or Atriplex patula, found in dry…
saltbush n. Sarcobatus vermiculatus.
SALTBUSH n. an Australian plant of the goosefoot family.
SLUBBESTSLUB adj. pertaining to a soft thick yarn, also SLUBB.
STUBBLESstubbles n. Plural of stubble.
STUBBLE n. the leavings of a crop of corn after harvest, also STIBBLE.
STUMBLESstumbles n. Plural of stumble.
stumbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stumble.
STUMBLE v. to trip when walking or running.
SUBCULTSsubcults n. Plural of subcult.
SUBCULT n. a subdivision of a cult.
SUBLATESsublates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sublate.
SUBLATE v. to deny; to contradict.
SUBPLOTSsubplots n. Plural of subplot.
SUBPLOT n. a subordinate plot in a novel etc.
SUBSTYLEsubstyle n. A secondary or subsidiary style.
substyle n. A right line on which the style, or gnomon, of a sundial is erected, being the common section of the…
SUBSTYLE n. the straight line on which the style of a dial is erected.
SUBTLESTsubtlest adj. Superlative form of subtle: most subtle.
SUBTLE adj. so slight as to be difficult to detect, also SUBTIL, SUBTILE.
SUNBELTSsunbelts n. Plural of sunbelt.
SUNBELT n. the southern and southwestern states of the US.
TUBELESStubeless adj. Without a tube.
tubeless adj. Without an inner tube.
TUBELESS adj. without a tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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