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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing B, I, 2N, O and R

ABORNINGaborning adv. (Chiefly North America) That is in the process of being born; coming into existence; before coming to completion.
aborning adj. (Chiefly North America) While being born or produced.
ABORNING adv. while being born.
BRONZINGbronzing v. Present participle of bronze.
bronzing n. The process of giving something the appearance of bronze.
bronzing n. Late-season damage to citrus fruit caused by rust mites.
BROWNINGbrowning n. The act or operation of giving a brown colour, as to gun barrels, cooked food, etc.
browning n. Any of various preparations used to impart a brown colour to gravy, leather, etc.
browning n. (Masonry) A smooth coat of brown mortar, usually the second coat, and the preparation for the finishing…
ENROBINGenrobing v. Present participle of enrobe.
ENROBE v. to put on a robe.
INORBINGinorbing v. Present participle of inorb.
INORB v. to set in an orb, to encircle.
RINGBONEringbone n. Osteoarthritis affecting any of several bones of a horse’s foot.
ring-bone n. (Veterinary medicine, equestrianism) A bony deposit on the leg of a horse, forming a ring around the bone.
RINGBONE n. a bony growth on a horse's foot.
TWINBORNtwinborn adj. Born a twin or twins.
twin-born adj. As though born a twin or twins.
TWINBORN adj. born at the same birth.
UNROBINGunrobing v. Present participle of unrobe.
UNROBE v. to take off a robe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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