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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, I, L, 2S and U

BLISSFULblissful adj. Extremely happy; full of joy; experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss.
blissful adj. (Obsolete) Blessed; glorified.
BLISSFUL adj. very happy.
BUSGIRLSbusgirls n. Plural of busgirl.
BUSGIRL n. an assistant waitress.
ISSUABLEissuable adj. (Law) Leading to, producing, or relating to, an issue; capable of being made an issue at law.
issuable adj. (Law) Lawful or suitable to be issued.
ISSUABLE adj. authorized for issuing.
ISSUABLYissuably adv. In an issuable manner; by way of issue.
ISSUABLE adv. authorized for issuing.
LIMBUSESlimbuses n. Plural of limbus.
LIMBUS n. (Latin) a distinctive border.
SIBILOUSsibilous adj. Having a hissing sound; sibilant.
SIBILOUS adj. having a hissing sound, also SIBILANT.
SUASIBLEsuasible adj. Capable of being persuaded; easily persuaded.
SUASIBLE adj. capable of being persuaded; easily persuaded.
SUBFILESsubfiles n. Plural of subfile.
SUBFILE n. a subdivision of a file.
SUBLIMESsublimes n. Plural of sublime.
SUBLIME v. to sublimate.
SUBLINESsublines n. Plural of subline.
SUBLINE n. an inbred line within a strain.
SUBSKILLsubskill n. A skill that makes up part of a larger skill.
SUBSKILL n. a subordinate skill.
SUBSOILSsubsoils n. Plural of subsoil.
SUBSOIL v. to plow the layer of earth below the surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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