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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, I, L, N, O and U

ABLUTIONablution n. The act of washing something.
ablution n. The liquid used in the cleansing or ablution.
ablution n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) The ritual consumption by the deacon or priest of leftover sacred wine of host after…
ABUTILONabutilon n. Any of the various tropical flowering plants of the genus Abutilon, such as the flowering maple, Indian…
Abutilon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – broadleaf flowering plants in the mallow family found…
ABUTILON n. (Arabic) a flowering plant of the mallow family.
BLOUSINGblousing v. Present participle of blouse.
BLOUSE v. to puff out loosely.
BOTULINSbotulins n. Plural of botulin.
BOTULIN n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULINUM, BOTULINUS.
BOUILLONbouillon n. A clear seasoned broth made by simmering usually light meat, such as beef or chicken.
bouillon n. An excrescence on a horse’s frush or frog.
BOUILLON n. (French) a strong broth.
BOULTINGboulting v. Present participle of boult.
boulting n. Alternative form of bolting (“a sifting”).
BOULTING n. the act of sieving through cloth, also BOLTING.
BOUNCILYbouncily adv. In a bouncy manner.
BOUNCY adv. tending to bounce.
BULLIONSbullions n. Plural of bullion.
Bullions prop.n. Plural of Bullion.
BULLION n. uncoined gold or silver.
DOUBLINGdoubling v. Present participle of double.
doubling n. The process or an instance of making something double; a multiplication by two.
doubling n. The act of turning around, or doubling back.
GLOBULINglobulin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of simple proteins, soluble in water only in the presence of salts, that…
GLOBULIN n. any of a group of simple proteins, including gamma globulin.
NOBELIUMnobelium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol No) with an atomic number of 102.
NOBELIUM n. a name given to transuranic element 102.
NUBILOSEnubilose adj. Alternative form of nubilous.
NUBILOSE adj. cloudy; vague, also NUBILOUS.
NUBILOUSnubilous adj. Cloudy, misty.
nubilous adj. (Figurative) Unclear.
NUBILOUS adj. cloudy; vague, also NUBILOSE.
OLIBANUMolibanum n. A gum resin from trees of the genus Boswellia, formerly used as a medicine and now mainly as incense.
OLIBANUM n. an aromatic gum from a North African tree, formerly used in medicine but now chiefly as incense.
UNBOILEDunboiled adj. Not boiled.
UNBOILED adj. not boiled.
UNILOBARunilobar adj. Consisting of a single lobe.
UNILOBAR adj. having one lobe, also UNILOBED.
UNILOBEDunilobed adj. Having a single lobe.
UNILOBED adj. having one lobe, also UNILOBAR.
UROBILINurobilin n. (Biochemistry) A yellow linear tetrapyrrole resulting from the breakdown of heme, produced when urobilinogen…
UROBILIN n. a brown pigment in faeces and sometimes urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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