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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing B, I, L, M, O and R

BLOOMIERbloomier adj. Comparative form of bloomy: more bloomy.
BLOOMY adj. covered with flowers.
BROMELIAbromelia n. Synonym of bromeliad.
Bromelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bromeliaceae.
BROMELIA n. any plant of the genus Bromelia, that includes pineapples, also BROMELIAD.
BROMELINbromelin n. Alternative form of bromelein.
bromelin n. Alternative form of bromalin.
BROMELIN n. an enzyme obtained from the juice of the pineapple plant, used medically and in skincare products, also BROMELAIN.
EMBROILSembroils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embroil.
EMBROIL v. to involve in conflict.
FORELIMBforelimb n. The anterior limb (or equivalent appendage) of an animal.
FORELIMB n. a front limb e.g. of a horse.
GORBLIMYgorblimy interj. Alternative form of gorblimey.
GORBLIMY n. a kind of flat army cap, also GORBLIMEY.
LABORISMlaborism n. Alternative form of labourism.
LABORISM n. a support for workers' rights, also LABOURISM.
MISLABORMISLABOR v. to labor badly, also MISLABOUR.
MORBIDLYmorbidly adv. In a morbid manner, or to a morbid degree.
MORBID adv. of the nature of or indicative of disease.
MORBILLImorbilli n. Measles, rubeola.
MORBILLI n. (Latin) measles.
NOMBRILSnombrils n. Plural of nombril.
NOMBRIL n. (French) the point on an escutcheon between the fess point and the base point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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