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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, I, 2L, S and U

BACILLUSbacillus n. Any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming aerobic bacteria in the genus Bacillus, some of which cause disease.
bacillus n. Any bacilliform (rod-shaped) bacterium.
bacillus n. (Figurative, by extension) Something which spreads like bacterial infection.
BALLIUMSballiums n. Plural of ballium.
BALLIUM n. the outer wall and first line of defence of a castle.
BILLBUGSbillbugs n. Plural of billbug.
BILLBUG n. a weevil or curculio of various species, as the corn weevil.
BLISSFULblissful adj. Extremely happy; full of joy; experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss.
blissful adj. (Obsolete) Blessed; glorified.
BLISSFUL adj. very happy.
BLOUSILYblousily adv. In a blousy manner.
BLOUSY adv. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOWSY, BLOWZY.
BOUILLISbouillis n. Plural of bouilli.
BOUILLI n. (French) boiled meat.
BULLIESTbulliest adj. Superlative form of bully: most bully.
BULLY adj. wonderful.
BULLINGSbullings n. Plural of bulling.
BULLING n. copulation with a cow.
BULLIONSbullions n. Plural of bullion.
Bullions prop.n. Plural of Bullion.
BULLION n. uncoined gold or silver.
BULLSHITbullshit n. (Vulgar, literally) Feces produced by a bull.
bullshit n. (Vulgar, slang, usual sense) Statements that are false or exaggerated to impress or cheat the listener.
bullshit n. (Vulgar, slang) Statements that are transparently or offensively false.
BULLYISMbullyism n. (Dated) The swaggering, domineering behaviour of a bully.
BULLYISM n. rule by bullies.
LIBELOUSlibelous adj. Defamatory, libeling, referring to something that causes harm to someone’s reputation especially with…
libelous adj. Meeting the legal standards for libel.
LIBELOUS adj. relating to libel, also LIBELLOUS.
LULIBUBSLULIBUB n. (archaic) a piece of candy on the end of a stick, also LOLLIPOP, LOLLYPOP.
PILLBUGSpillbugs n. Plural of pillbug.
pill␣bugs n. Plural of pill bug.
PILLBUG n. a wood louse that can roll itself into a ball.
SEMIBULLsemibull n. (Rare) A bull issued by a pope in the period between election and coronation.
SEMIBULL n. a bull issued by a pope in the period between his election and coronation.
SILLABUBsillabub n. Alternative spelling of syllabub.
SILLABUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLIBUB, SYLLABUB.
SILLIBUBsillibub n. Obsolete form of syllabub.
SILLIBUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLABUB, SYLLABUB.
SUBSKILLsubskill n. A skill that makes up part of a larger skill.
SUBSKILL n. a subordinate skill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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