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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, 2I, R, S and T

BIRKIESTBIRKIE adj. (Scots) active, lively.
BIRSIESTBIRSY adj. (Scots) bristly.
BISTROICBISTROIC adj. of or like a bistro, a small bar or restaurant.
BRINIESTbriniest adj. Superlative form of briny: most briny.
BRINY adj. salty.
BURINISTburinist n. One who engraves with a burin.
BURINIST n. one who works with the burin, an engraver's tool.
BURSITISbursitis n. (Medicine) An inflammation of a bursa, most common in the shoulder, elbow or knee.
BURSITIS n. inflammation of a bursa, one of the synovial sacs.
MISBIRTHmisbirth n. An abortion.
MISBIRTH n. (archaic) an abortion.
ORBITIESorbities n. Plural of orbity.
ORBITY n. (obsolete) bereavement, esp. of children.
RIBBIESTRIBBY adj. marked by ribs.
RINGBITSRINGBIT n. a horse's bit.
SORBITICsorbitic adj. Of, pertaining to, or made of sorbite.
SORBITIC adj. of or like sorbite, a constituent of steel.
STROBILIstrobili n. Plural of strobilus.
STROBILUS n. (Greek) a scaly spike of female flowers, as in the hop, also STROBIL, STROBILE.
TRIBASICtribasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms.
tribasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) having three atoms of a univalent metal.
TRIBASIC adj. having three replaceable hydrogen atoms.
TRILBIEStrilbies n. Plural of trilby.
TRILBY n. a soft felt hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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