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There are 20 eight-letter words containing B, E, R, 2T and U

ABUTTERSabutters n. Plural of abutter.
ABUTTER n. a person whose property abuts.
BRUNETTEbrunette adj. (Of hair, eyes, skin, etc.) of a dark color or tone.
brunette adj. (Of a person) having brown or black hair and, often, dark eyes and darkish or olive skin.
brunette n. A person, especially female, with brown or black hair and, often, dark eyes and darkish or olive skin.
BURETTESburettes n. Plural of burette.
BURETTE n. (French) a glass measuring tube for liquid, also BURET.
BURLETTAburletta n. A comic operetta; a musical farce.
BURLETTA n. (Italian) a comic operetta; a music farce.
BUTTEREDbuttered v. Simple past tense and past participle of butter.
buttered adj. Pertaining to the action of to butter, buttering.
BUTTER v. to spread with a milk product.
BUTTONERbuttoner n. One who buttons something.
buttoner n. Any device used to fasten buttons to a garment.
buttoner n. A manufacturer of buttons.
BUTTRESSbuttress n. (Architecture) A brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it.
buttress n. (By extension) Anything that serves to support something; a prop.
buttress n. (Botany) A buttress-root.
BUTYRATEbutyrate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of butyric acid.
BUTYRATE n. a salt of butyric acid.
OBTURATEobturate v. To block up or obstruct.
OBTURATE v. to stop up.
REBUTTALrebuttal n. The act of contradicting something by making a contrary argument, or presenting contrary evidence.
rebuttal n. A statement, designed to refute or negate specific arguments put forward by opponents.
rebuttal n. (Law) A pleading by a defendant in reply to the evidence put forward by a plaintiff or the prosecution.
REBUTTEDrebutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of rebut.
REBUT v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
REBUTTERrebutter n. One who drives back or repulses.
rebutter n. One who makes a rebuttal.
rebutter n. (Law) A rebuttal; the answer of a defendant in matter of fact to a plaintiff’s surrejoinder.
REBUTTONrebutton v. (Transitive) To fasten with buttons again.
REBUTTON v. to button again.
TABOURETtabouret n. Alternative spelling of taboret.
TABOURET n. a low stool without a back or arms; a low stand or cabinet; an embroidery frame, also TABORET.
TRIBUTERtributer n. (Mining) A miner who is paid in a certain portion of the ore, or its value.
tributer n. (Rare) One who pays tribute.
TRIBUTER n. a miner who works for a certain portion of the ore, or its value.
TRIBUTEStributes n. Plural of tribute.
TRIBUTE n. a testimony or gift in gratitude or respect.
TURBETHSTURBETH n. a medicinal plant root, also TURPETH, TURBITH.
TURBOJETturbojet n. (Aeronautics) A jet engine that develops thrust solely from high-speed exhaust gases expelled from a…
TURBOJET n. a type of jet engine.
UMBRETTEumbrette n. Synonym of hammerkop (Scopus umbretta, a bird).
UMBRETTE n. the hammerhead, a brown bird related to the storks, also UMBRE.
UNBITTERunbitter adj. Not bitter.
UNBITTER adj. not bitter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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