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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, E, O, 2R and T

ABORTERSaborters n. Plural of aborter.
ABORTER n. one who aborts.
ARBORETAarboreta n. Plural of arboretum.
ARBORETUM n. (Latin) a collection of trees.
ARBORETSarborets n. Plural of arboret.
ARBORET n. (obsolete) a shrubbery.
BARRETORbarretor n. Alternative form of barrator.
BARRETOR n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATER, BARRATOR.
BOORTREEBOORTREE n. (Scots) the elder-tree, also BOURTREE, BOUNTREE.
BOURTREEBOURTREE n. (Scots) the elder tree, also BOORTREE, BOUNTREE.
BROTHERSbrothers n. Plural of brother.
brothers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brother.
Brothers n. Plural of Brother, but may include female individuals.
BROTHIERbrothier adj. Comparative form of brothy: more brothy.
BROTHY adj. like broth.
OBTRUDERobtruder n. One who obtrudes.
OBTRUDER n. one who obtrudes.
ORBITERSorbiters n. Plural of orbiter.
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
ROBURITEroburite n. An explosive formerly used in mining, made from chlorinated dinitrobenzene oxidized by ammonium nitrate.
ROBURITE n. a flameless explosive.
ROBUSTERrobuster adj. Comparative form of robust: more robust.
ROBUST adj. strong and healthy.
TABORERStaborers n. Plural of taborer.
TABORER n. one who tabors, also TABOURER.
TABOURERtabourer n. Alternative form of taborer.
TABOURER n. one who tabors, also TABORER.
THROBBERthrobber n. (Graphical user interface) A widget consisting of a static image that animates during execution of a task.
throbber n. (Slang) An erect penis.
THROBBER n. one who throbs.
TREMBLORtremblor n. An earthquake.
TREMBLOR n. an earth tremor, also TEMBLOR.
TROUBLERtroubler n. One who, or that which, troubles; a disturber.
TROUBLER n. something or someone that troubles.
TRUEBORNtrueborn adj. Genuinely by birth; legitimate.
trueborn n. (Fantasy) A person of legitimate birth.
true-born adj. Alternative form of trueborn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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