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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing B, E, L, O and 2T

BLOTTERSblotters n. Plural of blotter.
BLOTTER n. a piece of ink-absorbing paper.
BLOTTIERblottier adj. Comparative form of blotty: more blotty.
BLOTTY adj. smudged.
BOTTLERSbottlers n. Plural of bottler.
BOTTLER n. (Australian slang) an outstanding person or thing.
LIBRETTOlibretto n. The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.
libretto n. A book containing such a text.
LIBRETTO n. (Italian) the text of an opera.
OUTBLEAToutbleat v. (Transitive, rare) To bleat louder or longer than.
OUTBLEAT v. to surpass in bleating.
POTTABLEpottable adj. (Billiards, snooker) In billiards, pool, or snooker: able to be potted.
pottable adj. (Horticulture) Suitable for planting in a pot.
POTTABLE adj. capable of being potted.
REBOTTLErebottle v. (Transitive) To bottle again or anew.
REBOTTLE v. to bottle again.
TABLETOPtabletop n. (Furniture) The flat, horizontal upper surface of a table.
tabletop n. (Skateboarding) A fixed item resembling a table, used for performing skateboarding tricks.
tabletop n. (Photography, advertising) A photograph of an object or product placed on a table.
TOTEABLETOTEABLE adj. capable of being toted, also TOTABLE.
UNBOTTLEunbottle v. (Transitive) To remove from a bottle.
unbottle v. (Transitive, figuratively) To let out (An emotion, etc.).
UNBOTTLE v. to release from or as if from a bottle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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