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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, E, L, N, R and U

BLUNDERSblunders n. Plural of blunder.
blunders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blunder.
BLUNDER v. to make a mistake.
BLUNGERSblungers n. Plural of blunger.
BLUNGER n. a machine or person that blunges, i.e. mixes clay and water.
BLUNKERSBLUNKER n. (Scots) a bungler.
BUNDLERSbundlers n. Plural of bundler.
BUNDLER n. one that bundles.
BUNGLERSbunglers n. Plural of bungler.
BUNGLER n. one who mismanages.
BURNABLEburnable adj. Able to be burned; combustible.
burnable n. Anything that can be burned.
BURNABLE n. something that can be burnt.
FUNEBRALfunebral adj. Alternative form of funebrial.
FUNEBRAL adj. of or pertaining to a funeral, also FUNEBRIAL.
NUBBLIERnubblier adj. Comparative form of nubbly: more nubbly.
NUBBLY adj. having small protuberances, also NUBBY.
PRUNABLEprunable adj. Capable of being pruned.
PRUNABLE adj. able to be pruned.
RUBELLANRUBELLAN n. a mineral, an altered biotite, mica containing iron and magnesia.
RUINABLEruinable adj. Capable of being ruined.
RUINABLE adj. able to be ruined.
RUNCIBLEruncible adj. (Humorous) A nonce word used for humorous effect.
RUNCIBLE adj. a nonsense word applied by Edward Lear to a spoon with fork tines.
RUNNABLErunnable adj. (Computing) Capable of being run.
runnable adj. (Of a watercourse) That can be navigated by boat.
RUNNABLE adj. fit for hunting.
TURNABLEturnable adj. Capable of being turned.
TURNABLE adj. able to be turned.
UNBRIDLEunbridle v. (Transitive) To remove the bridle, and other tack, from (a horse or other animal).
unbridle v. (Transitive, figurative) To remove restraint from.
UNBRIDLE v. to set loose.
UNLIMBERunlimber v. (Obsolete) To deploy an artillery piece for firing (i.e. to detach it from its limber).
unlimber v. (By extension) To clumsily put into employ a large weapon or object.
unlimber v. To unsling something, as a backpack, carried on the body with a strap; to bring something carried into…
URBANELYurbanely adv. In an urbane manner.
URBANE adv. refined and elegant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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