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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, E, L, N, O and T

ATONABLEatonable adj. Capable of being atoned for.
ATONABLE adj. able to be atoned for.
BALCONETbalconet n. Alternative form of balconette (“small balcony”).
BALCONET n. a miniature balcony, also BALCONETTE.
BALLONETballonet n. Any of several small balloons, inside a dirigible, that can be inflated or deflated to control buoyancy during flight.
BALLONET n. in a balloon or dirigible, a small bag into which air is force or released.
BENTHOALBENTHOAL adj. living on the sea bottom, also BENTHAL, BENTHIC, BENTHONIC.
BLONCKETBLONCKET adj. (Spenser) grey.
BLONDESTblondest adj. Superlative form of blond: most blond.
blondest adj. Superlative form of blonde: most blonde.
BLOND adj. light coloured, also BLONDE.
NEOBLASTneoblast n. A large, undifferentiated cell of annelid worms that participate in regeneration of lost parts.
NEOBLAST n. a cell important in regeneration of worms.
NOTABLESnotables n. Plural of notable.
NOTABLE n. a person of distinction.
SNOWBELTsnowbelt n. An area that is characterized by heavy annual snowfall.
snowbelt n. (Also with capital) Especially, the area around the Great Lakes in the north-eastern United States.
SNOWBELT n. an area of regular snowfall.
STONABLEstonable adj. (Rare) punishable by stoning.
STONABLE adj. carrying the penalty of being stoned, i.e. pelted with stones, also STONEABLE.
TAILBONEtailbone n. (Informal) The final fused vertebrae at the base of the spine; the coccyx.
tail␣bone n. Alternative form of tailbone.
TAILBONE n. the coccyx.
UNBOLTEDunbolted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbolt.
unbolted adj. Not fastened with a bolt.
unbolted adj. Not sifted.
UNBOTTLEunbottle v. (Transitive) To remove from a bottle.
unbottle v. (Transitive, figuratively) To let out (An emotion, etc.).
UNBOTTLE v. to release from or as if from a bottle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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