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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing B, E, I, R, T and V

ABORTIVEabortive adj. (Obsolete) Produced by abortion; born prematurely and therefore unnatural.
abortive adj. Coming to nothing; failing in its effect..
abortive adj. (Biology) Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile.
AMBIVERTambivert n. (Psychology) A person who is neither clearly extroverted nor introverted, but has characteristics of each.
AMBIVERT n. someone who is both extroverted and introverted.
BLIPVERTblipvert n. A subliminal or nearly subliminal advertisement displayed for a very short time.
BLIPVERT n. a very short advertisement on television.
BREVIATEbreviate n. A short account, brief statement; a summary, abridgement or precis.
breviate n. A brief missive or dispatch; a note.
breviate n. A lawyer’s brief.
OVERBITEoverbite n. (Dentistry) A malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones.
overbite v. To use excessive acid in an etching process, so that the result is too deep.
OVERBITE n. the overlapping of the lower by the upper teeth; esp. vertical overlapping of the incisors.
VERBATIMverbatim adv. Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally.
verbatim adv. (Obsolete) Orally; verbally.
verbatim adj. (Of a document) Corresponding with the original word for word.
VIBRATEDvibrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vibrate.
VIBRATE v. to move back and forward rapidly.
VIBRATESvibrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vibrate.
VIBRATE v. to move back and forward rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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