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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, E, I, O, S and U

BEDOUINSbedouins n. Plural of bedouin.
Bedouins n. Plural of Bedouin.
BEDOUIN n. a nomadic Arab, also BEDAWIN, BEDU, BEDUIN.
BIOFUELSbiofuels n. Plural of biofuel.
BIOFUEL n. a fuel (as wood or ethanol) composed of or produced from biological raw materials.
BLOUSIERblousier adj. Comparative form of blousy: more blousy.
BLOUSY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOWSY, BLOWZY.
BOUNTIESbounties n. Plural of bounty.
BOUNTY n. a reward.
BOURSIERBOURSIER n. (French) a foundation-scholar; a speculator on the Stock Exchange.
BOUSIESTBOUSY adj. inclined to booze, also BOOZY, BOOZEY.
BOUVIERSBOUVIER n. (French) a large rough-coated dog originally bred in Flanders to herd and guard cattle.
CIBOULESciboules n. Plural of ciboule.
CIBOULE n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CHIBOL, CIBOL, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
JUMBOISEjumboise v. Alternative form of jumboize.
JUMBOISE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOIZE.
LIBELOUSlibelous adj. Defamatory, libeling, referring to something that causes harm to someone’s reputation especially with…
libelous adj. Meeting the legal standards for libel.
LIBELOUS adj. relating to libel, also LIBELLOUS.
NUBILOSEnubilose adj. Alternative form of nubilous.
NUBILOSE adj. cloudy; vague, also NUBILOUS.
OBLIQUESobliques n. Collectively, the abdominal muscles responsible for rotation of the trunk.
obliques n. Plural of oblique.
OBLIQUE v. (obsolete) to deviate from a direct line.
OBSEQUIEobsequie n. Obsolete form of obsequy.
OBSEQUIE n. (Milton) an obsequy, a funeral rite.
RIBULOSEribulose n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry) a ketopentose whose phosphate derivatives participate in photosynthesis.
RIBULOSE n. a type of sugar.
SOUBISESsoubises n. Plural of soubise.
SOUBISE n. (French) a sauce made with onions or onion puree.
SUBOXIDEsuboxide n. (Chemistry) any oxide containing a small proportion of oxygen.
SUBOXIDE n. an oxide containing little oxygen.
UMEBOSHIumeboshi n. Pickled ume fruits.
UMEBOSHI n. (Japanese) a pickled ume fruit, having a distinctive sour and salty flavour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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