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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, E, I, N, S and W

BEDAWINSbedawins n. Plural of bedawin.
Bedawins n. Plural of Bedawin.
BEDAWIN n. a nomadic Arab, also BEDOUIN, BEDU, BEDUIN.
BEESWINGbeeswing n. A filmy, translucent crust found in port and other old wines which have been bottled-aged for a long time.
beeswing n. Cream of tartar; potassium bitartrate; the residual salt of tartaric acid.
BEESWING n. a crust that forms on old wines.
BENDWISEbendwise adv. (Heraldry) Diagonally; placed like a bend, i.e. running from the dexter chief to the sinister base.
BENDWISE adv. diagonally, also BENDWAYS.
BOWLINESbowlines n. Plural of bowline.
BOWLINE n. a simple knot which makes a loop that will not slip at the end of a rope.
BREWINGSbrewings n. Plural of brewing.
BREWING n. a quantity brewed at one time.
BROWNIESbrownies n. Plural of brownie.
Brownies n. Plural of Brownie.
BROWNIE n. a benevolent creature who may secretly help with domestic work.
WASTEBINwastebin n. A wastebasket; a bin used for household or office waste.
waste␣bin n. A container for waste, whether a larger outdoor one or a smaller indoor one.
WASTEBIN n. a rubbish bin.
WEBBINGSwebbings n. Plural of webbing.
WEBBING n. woven strips of fibre.
WEBINARSwebinars n. Plural of webinar.
Webinars n. Plural of Webinar.
WEBINAR n. a seminar via the World Wide Web.
WEBRINGSwebrings n. Plural of webring.
WEBRING n. a collection of websites from around the Internet joined together in a circular structure.
WEBZINESwebzines n. Plural of webzine.
WEBZINE n. a magazine published on the Internet.
WISHBONEwishbone n. A forked bone between the neck and breast of a bird consisting chiefly of the two clavicles fused at…
wishbone n. (Nautical) A spar in two parts, between which a sail is hoisted, the wishbone extending its clew.
wishbone n. (Nautical) Any sailing vessel rigged with a wishbone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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