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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, E, I and 3L

ALLIABLEalliable adj. Able to be allied.
ALLIABLE adj. capable of being allied.
BILLABLEbillable adj. Capable of being billed for.
billable n. Something that is billed for.
BILLABLE adj. that can be billed, e.g. of a lawyer's hours.
BLUEBILLbluebill n. The scaup (of genus Aythya).
bluebill n. Any of the genus Spermophaga of estrildid finches found in tropical Africa.
BLUEBILL n. an American duck of the genus Fuligula.
BLUEGILLbluegill n. A North American sunfish; Lepomis macrochirus.
BLUEGILL n. an edible sunfish.
FALLIBLEfallible adj. Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
FALLIBLE adj. capable of erring.
FILLABLEfillable adj. Able to be filled.
FILLABLE adj. capable of being filled.
GULLIBLEgullible adj. Easily deceived or duped; naive, easily cheated or fooled.
gullible n. A gullible person; someone easily fooled or tricked.
GULLIBLE adj. easily deceived, also GULLABLE.
KILLABLEkillable adj. Able to be killed.
killable adj. Fit to be killed, especially as a source of food.
KILLABLE adj. able to be killed.
LIBELLEDlibelled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of libel.
LIBEL v. to make a defamatory statement about.
LIBELLEElibellee n. Alternative spelling of libelee.
LIBELLEE n. a defendant in a type of lawsuit, also LIBELEE.
LIBELLERlibeller n. One who libels.
LIBELLER n. one that libels, also LIBELER, LIBELIST.
MILLABLEmillable adj. Capable of being milled (shaped or polished by machine).
MILLABLE adj. able to be milled.
TILLABLEtillable adj. (Of land) able to be tilled or ploughed; arable.
TILLABLE adj. able to be tilled.
WILLABLEwillable adj. (Philosophy) Capable of being willed.
WILLABLE adj. able to will.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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