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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing B, E, G, L, N and T

BEETLINGbeetling v. Present participle of beetle.
beetling n. The process by which fabrics, etc. are beetled, or beaten with a mallet.
beetling adj. Jutting or protruding, especially of a person’s brows.
BELATINGbelating v. Present participle of belate.
BELATE v. (archaic) to retard or make too late.
BELTINGSbeltings n. Plural of belting.
Beltings prop.n. Plural of Belting.
BELTING n. a thrashing.
BLEATINGbleating v. Present participle of bleat.
bleating n. A noise that bleats.
bleating n. Inane or plaintive chatter.
BLETTINGbletting n. A fermentation process in certain fruit beyond ripening.
bletting v. Present participle of blet.
BLET v. to decay like this.
BLINGESTBLING adj. flashy.
TANGIBLEtangible adj. Touchable; able to be touched or felt; perceptible by the sense of touch.
tangible adj. Perceptible; able to be perceived.
tangible adj. Able to be treated as fact; real or concrete.
TREBLINGtrebling v. Present participle of treble.
TREBLING n. the act of multiplying by three.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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