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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing B, E, G, I, O and T

BEHOTINGBEHOTE v. to vow, promise.
BOGGIESTboggiest adj. Superlative form of boggy: most boggy most boggy.
BOGGY adj. like a bog.
GLOBIESTGLOBY adj. (Milton) round.
GOBBIESTgobbiest adj. Superlative form of gobby: most gobby.
GOBBY adj. (colloquial) loudmouthed.
GOBSHITEgobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) One who engages in nonsensical…
gobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) A person of very poor judgment…
GOBSHITE n. (offensive) a garrulous stupid idiot.
MISBEGOTmisbegot adj. (Archaic) Misbegotten; unlawfully or irregularly begotten; of bad origin.
misbegot v. Simple past tense of misbeget.
MISBEGOT adj. born out of wedlock.
OBLIGATEobligate v. (Transitive, North America, Scotland) To bind, compel, constrain, or oblige by a social, legal, or moral tie.
obligate v. (Transitive, North America, Scotland) To cause to be grateful or indebted; to oblige.
obligate v. (Transitive, North America, Scotland) To commit (money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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