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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, 2E, 2L and U

BLUEBELLbluebell n. Various flowering plants with blue, usually pendulous, flowers.
BLUEBELL n. in South England, the wood hyacinth; in Scotland and North England, the harebell.
BLUELINEblueline n. A reproduction of the material submitted for printing, computer-generated or printed from film, provided…
blueline v. To create the bluelines for material that is about to be printed.
blueline v. To check the bluelines before printing material.
BULLEREDbullered v. Simple past tense and past participle of buller.
BULLER v. to seethe, gurgle.
BULLETEDbulleted adj. (Of text) Set off by bullet points.
bulleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullet.
BULLET v. to move swiftly.
BULLSEYEbullseye n. (Military, firearms) The centre of a target, inside the inner and magpie.
bullseye n. A shot which hits the centre of a target.
bullseye n. (Darts) The two central rings on a dartboard.
BULLWEEDbullweed n. Knapweed.
BULLWEED n. knapweed.
ELUDIBLEeludible adj. (Archaic) Avoidable; escapable.
ELUDIBLE adj. able to be eluded.
SUBLEVELsublevel n. An intermediate level between others in a mine.
sublevel n. (Physics) A subshell.
sublevel n. (Video games) A level making up part of a larger level.
TUBEWELLtubewell n. Alternative form of tube well.
tube␣well n. A well in which a stainless steel tube is bored directly down into an aquifer.
TUBEWELL n. a water well in which a long steel tube is bored into an underground aquifer.
TULLIBEEtullibee n. A whitefish (Coregonus artedi tullibee, formerly Coregonus tullibee) found in the Great Lakes of North America.
TULLIBEE n. (Native American) a whitefish found in the Great Lakes of North America.
UMBELLEDumbelled adj. Having umbels.
UMBELLED adj. having umbels, also UMBELED.
UMBELLETumbellet n. A secondary umbel in a compound umbel such as the carrot; an umbellule.
UMBELLET n. a small or partial umbel.
UMBELULEUMBELULE n. a secondary umbel, also UMBELLULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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