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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, 2E, I, M and R

AMBERIERAMBERY adj. like amber.
AMBERIESamberies n. Plural of ambery.
AMBERY n. a recess for church vessels, a cupboard, also ALMERY, AMBRY, AUMBRY, AWMRIE, AWMRY.
AMBERITEamberite n. A kind of smokeless powder.
AMBERITE n. a kind of smokeless powder.
BECRIMEDBECRIME v. to make guilty of a crime.
BECRIMESBECRIME v. to make guilty of a crime.
BEGRIMEDbegrimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of begrime.
begrimed adj. Dirty, soiled, grimy.
BEGRIME v. to soil with grime, also BEGRIM.
BEGRIMESbegrimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begrime.
BEGRIME v. to soil with grime, also BEGRIM.
BIMESTERbimester n. A period of two months.
BIMESTER n. a two-month period.
BIOMETERbiometer n. (Biology) A device that is used to detect the presence of life by detecting and measuring minute amounts…
BIOMETER n. a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matter.
BRIDEMENbridemen n. Plural of brideman.
BRIDEMAN n. a groom's attendant at a wedding.
EMBITTERembitter v. To cause to be bitter.
EMBITTER v. to make bitter, also IMBITTER.
EMBODIERembodier n. One who embodies.
EMBODIER n. one who embodies.
LIMBEREDlimbered v. Simple past tense and past participle of limber.
LIMBER v. to make supple.
LIMBERERlimberer adj. Comparative form of limber: more limber.
LIMBER adj. supple.
PERIBLEMperiblem n. (Botany) nascent cortex, or immature cellular bark.
PERIBLEM n. a region of plant tissue.
TIMBEREDtimbered adj. Wooded; bearing timber; forested.
timbered adj. Made from timber, especially large or coarsely finished timber.
timbered v. Simple past tense and past participle of timber.
UMBERIERUMBERY adj. of or pertaining to umber; like umber; as, umbery gold.
UMBRIEREumbriere n. Rare spelling of umbrere.
UMBRIERE n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBREL, UMBRERE, UMBRIL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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