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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, D, I, 2O and S

BIOSOLIDbiosolid n. A byproduct of domestic and commercial sewage and wastewater treatment.
BIOSOLID n. solid organic matter obtained from treated sewage.
BLOODIESbloodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bloody.
bloodies n. Plural of bloody.
BLOODY v. to make bloodstained.
BOOBIRDSboobirds n. Plural of boobird.
BOOBIRD n. a fan who boos players of the home team.
BOUDOIRSboudoirs n. Plural of boudoir.
BOUDOIR n. (French) a woman's bedroom.
BRIDOONSbridoons n. Plural of bridoon.
BRIDOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRADOON.
COLOBIDScolobids n. Plural of colobid.
COLOBID n. the colobus monkey.
DIABOLOSdiabolos n. Plural of diabolo.
DIABOLO n. (Italian) a game in which a two-headed top is thrown up and caught on a string stretched between two sticks.
DISBOSOMdisbosom v. Synonym of unbosom.
DISBOSOM v. to make known; to reveal.
DOOBRIESdoobries n. Plural of doobry.
DOOBRIE n. a thing whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten, a what's-its-name, also DOOBREY, DOOBRY.
GLOBOIDSgloboids n. Plural of globoid.
GLOBOID n. a globelike shape.
GOBIOIDSgobioids n. Plural of gobioid.
GOBIOID n. a fish of the goby family, also GOBIID.
MOBISODEmobisode n. An episode of a television drama series condensed and broadcast to cellular phones.
mobisode n. An episode of content (fiction or non-fiction) that has been created to be viewed with a cellular phone…
MOBISODE n. an episode of a TV show made for downloading and viewing on mobile phones.
NOBODIESnobodies n. Plural of nobody.
NOBODY n. an unimportant person.
WOODBINSwoodbins n. Plural of woodbin.
WOODBIN n. a container for firewood, also WOODBOX.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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