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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, D, I, N, O and U

AIRBOUNDairbound adj. Of a pump etc.: containing too much air, such that the flow is impeded.
AIRBOUND adj. stopped up by air.
BEDOUINSbedouins n. Plural of bedouin.
Bedouins n. Plural of Bedouin.
BEDOUIN n. a nomadic Arab, also BEDAWIN, BEDU, BEDUIN.
BOUNDINGbounding v. Present participle and gerund of bound.
bounding n. (Uncountable) The use of fire protection products within limits determined by scientific tests.
bounding n. A boundary.
BOUNTIEDbountied v. Simple past tense and past participle of bounty.
BOUNTIED adj. with a bounty on one's head.
BOURDINGbourding v. Present participle of bourd.
BOURD v. (obsolete) to jest.
DISBOUNDdisbound adj. (Of a page) removed from a bound volume.
disbound v. To extend beyond its normal bounds.
DISBOUND adj. not having a binding.
DOUBLINGdoubling v. Present participle of double.
doubling n. The process or an instance of making something double; a multiplication by two.
doubling n. The act of turning around, or doubling back.
DOUBTINGdoubting v. Present participle of doubt.
doubting n. A condition of doubt.
DOUBTING adj. in a state of doubt.
ICEBOUNDicebound adj. Completely surrounded by ice and therefore unable to move.
ICEBOUND adj. surrounded by ice.
INBOUNDSinbounds adj. (Sports) Within bounds.
inbounds adv. (Sports) Into the inbounds area.
inbounds n. Plural of inbound.
MISBOUNDmisbound v. Simple past tense and past participle of misbind.
MISBIND v. to bind imperfectly.
MORIBUNDmoribund adj. Approaching death; about to die; dying; expiring.
moribund adj. Almost obsolete, nearing an end.
moribund n. A person who is near to dying.
OBDURINGobduring v. Present participle of obdure.
OBDURE v. to harden, also OBDURATE.
UNBODIEDunbodied adj. (Archaic) disembodied; without a body; separated from the body.
UNBODIED adj. having no body.
UNBODINGunboding adj. Not boding.
UNBODING adj. not expecting.
UNBOILEDunboiled adj. Not boiled.
UNBOILED adj. not boiled.
UNFORBIDunforbid adj. (Obsolete) unforbidden.
UNFORBID adj. (Milton) not forbidden.
UNILOBEDunilobed adj. Having a single lobe.
UNILOBED adj. having one lobe, also UNILOBAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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