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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing B, D, 2I, N and R

BIRDINGSBIRDING n. the occupation of catching or watching birds.
BIRDWINGbirdwing n. Any of various large papilionid butterflies of the genera Troides and Ornithoptera.
BIRDWING n. a large tropical butterfly.
BRAIDINGbraiding v. Present participle of braid.
braiding n. A braided trimming used as decoration on clothes or curtains.
BRAIDING n. a piece of braided work.
BRIDGINGbridging v. Present participle of bridge.
bridging adj. That acts as a bridge (in many contexts).
bridging n. The act of building a bridge.
BRIDLINGbridling v. Present participle of bridle.
bridling n. The act of one who bridles.
BRIDLE v. to check or restrain.
BRINDISIbrindisi n. A drinking song in which each person is toasted.
Brindisi prop.n. A port city in Apulia, Italy.
Brindisi prop.n. A province of Apulia, Italy. Capital: Brindisi.
DRIBBINGdribbing v. Present participle of drib.
DRIB v. to do by little and little.
KINGBIRDkingbird n. A group of large insectivorous passerine birds of the genus Tyrannus.
KINGBIRD n. a small American bird, noted for its courage in attacking larger birds, even hawks and eagles, esp. when they approach its nest in the breeding season.
MIDBRAINmidbrain n. (Neuroanatomy) A part of the brain located rostral to the pons and caudal to the thalamus and the basal…
MIDBRAIN n. the middle region of the brain.
RAINBIRDrainbird n. (South Africa) Any of the coucal species Centropus supercilliosus, Centropus cupreicadus, Centropus senegalensis.
Rainbird prop.n. A surname from Old French.
RAINBIRD n. a bird, such as the green woodpecker, supposed to foretell rain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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