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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing B, D, G, I, O and R

ABORDINGabording v. Present participle of abord.
ABORD v. (archaic) to accost, approach.
BIRDDOGSbird-dogs n. Plural of bird-dog.
bird-dogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bird-dog.
bird␣dogs n. Plural of bird dog.
BIRDSONGbirdsong n. (Ornithology) A vocalisation made by a bird for the purposes of courtship.
birdsong n. Vocalisations made by birds, considered collectively.
Birdsong prop.n. A surname.
BOARDINGboarding v. Present participle of board.
boarding n. The act of people getting aboard a ship aircraft, train, bus, etc.; embarkation.
boarding n. The act of a sailor or boarding party attacking an enemy ship by boarding it.
BOURDINGbourding v. Present participle of bourd.
BOURD v. (obsolete) to jest.
BRODDINGBROD v. (dialect) to prod.
BROODINGbrooding adj. (Of a bird) Broody; incubating eggs by sitting on them.
brooding adj. Deeply or seriously thoughtful.
brooding v. Present participle of brood.
GABBROIDgabbroid adj. (Geology) Resembling gabbro.
GABBROID adj. like gabbro.
GAOLBIRDgaolbird n. Alternative spelling of jailbird.
gaol-bird n. Alternative spelling of gaolbird.
GAOLBIRD n. an inveterate convict, also JAILBIRD.
OBDURINGobduring v. Present participle of obdure.
OBDURE v. to harden, also OBDURATE.
SONGBIRDsongbird n. A bird having a melodious song or call.
songbird n. Any bird in the passerine suborder Passeri, which are distinguished by a more sophisticated vocal apparatus.
SONGBIRD n. a bird that utters a musical call.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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