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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, D, E, 2R and U

ABSURDERabsurder adj. Comparative form of absurd: more absurd.
ABSURD adj. ridiculous.
ARBOUREDarboured adj. Containing or situated close to trees.
'arboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of ’arbour.
ARBOURED adj. equipped with an arbour, a bower of trees.
BORDURESbordures n. Plural of bordure.
BORDURE n. a border surrounding a heraldic shield.
BOURDERSbourders n. Plural of bourder.
BOURDER n. a jester.
BOURRIDEbourride n. A dish made with monkfish, mayonnaise, and a vegetable brunoise.
BOURRIDE n. (French) a fish dish from Provence.
BURDENERburdener n. One who burdens; an oppressor.
BURDENER n. one who burdens.
BURROWEDburrowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of burrow.
BURROW v. to dig a hole or tunnel in the ground.
DEBURREDdeburred v. Simple past tense and past participle of deburr.
DEBURR v. to remove burrs from.
DRUBBERSdrubbers n. Plural of drubber.
DRUBBER n. one who drubs.
OBTRUDERobtruder n. One who obtrudes.
OBTRUDER n. one who obtrudes.
PUREBREDpurebred adj. Having genuine parents of the same breed, usually of an animal.
purebred n. An animal which has genuine parents of the same breed.
pure-bred n. Alternative spelling of purebred.
REBURIEDreburied v. Simple past tense and past participle of rebury.
REBURY v. to bury again.
REFURBEDrefurbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of refurb.
REFURB v. (colloquial) to refurbish.
RUBBEREDrubbered adj. Treated or coated with rubber.
rubbered adj. (UK, slang) Thoroughly drunk.
RUBBER v. to provide with an eraser.
SUBORDERsuborder n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category below order and above infraorder.
SUBORDER n. a category of related families within an order.
TRUEBREDtruebred adj. Alternative form of true-bred.
true-bred adj. Purebred; genetically pure.
true-bred adj. Genuine.
UNBARREDunbarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbar.
unbarred adj. Not fitted or closed with bars.
unbarred adj. Of a feather, lacking barring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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