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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, C, I, L, O and R

ALBICOREalbicore n. Alternative form of albacore.
ALBICORE n. (Arabic) a large tuna fish, also ALBACORE.
BICOLORSbicolors n. Plural of bicolor.
BICOLOR n. something having two colors, also BICOLOUR.
BICOLOURbicolour adj. (Commonwealth spelling) Having two colours.
bicolour n. (Commonwealth spelling) A flower, cat etc., that has two colours.
bicolour n. (Commonwealth spelling) A flag with such colours, consisting of two stripes that are either vertical or horizontal.
BLOCKIERblockier adj. Comparative form of blocky: more blocky.
BLOCKY adj. block-like.
BRACIOLAbraciola n. A slice of pan-fried or grilled meat, cooked in its own juice or in a small amount of olive oil.
BRACIOLA n. (Italian) a thin slice of meat, also BRACIOLE.
BRACIOLEbraciole n. Plural of braciola.
braciole n. Synonym of braciola.
BRACIOLE n. (Italian) a thin slice of meat, also BRACIOLA.
BRICOLESbricoles n. Plural of bricole.
BRICOLE n. (French) a shot in billiards, involving a rebound, also BRICKWALL.
BROCCOLIbroccoli n. A plant, Brassica oleracea var. italica, of the cabbage family, Brassicaceae; especially, the tree-shaped…
broccoli n. (US, slang) Marijuana.
broccoli n. Plural of broccolo.
BROCOLISbrocolis n. Plural of brocoli.
BROCOLI n. a plant of the cabbage species, resembling the cauliflower, also BROCCOLI.
CABRIOLEcabriole n. A type of furniture leg used in certain ornate styles of furniture such as Queen Anne, having a double…
CABRIOLE n. (French) a curved furniture leg ending in a ball.
CARBINOLcarbinol n. (Obsolete, organic chemistry, uncountable) The compound methanol.
carbinol n. (Obsolete, organic chemistry, countable) Any substituted methanol.
CARBINOL n. a monohydric alcohol; specifically methanol.
CARBOLICcarbolic adj. Of, relating to or containing carbolic acid.
carbolic n. Carbolic acid or similar disinfectant.
CARBOLIC n. an acidic compound.
COLIBRISCOLIBRI n. (Spanish) a type of hummingbird.
COLUBRIDcolubrid n. Any snake in the family Colubridae, completely covered in scales and mostly nonvenomous.
COLUBRID n. any of a large family of snakes including the garter and king snake.
COOLIBARcoolibar n. Alternative spelling of coolibah.
COOLIBAR n. (Native Australian) a species of Australian eucalyptus tree, also COOLABAH, COOLIBAH.
CORBEILScorbeils n. Plural of corbeil.
Corbeils prop.n. Plural of Corbeil.
CORBEIL n. (French) a basket filled with earth used as a missile.
FORCIBLEforcible adj. Done by force, forced.
forcible adj. (Rare or obsolete) Having (physical) force, forceful.
forcible adj. Having a powerful effect; forceful, telling, strong, convincing, effective.
FORCIBLYforcibly adv. In a forcible manner, by force, against one’s will.
forcibly adv. In a forcible manner, with force, with powerful effect, powerfully, strongly.
FORCIBLE adv. having force.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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