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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, L, N and R

BALANCERbalancer n. One who, or that which, balances.
balancer n. An acrobat.
balancer n. Any of the rear wings of certain insects used for stability in flight.
BARNACLEbarnacle n. A marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that attaches itself to submerged surfaces such as tidal…
barnacle n. The barnacle goose.
barnacle n. (Engineering, slang) In electrical engineering, a change made to a product on the manufacturing floor…
BERNICLEbernicle n. A barnacle goose.
bernicle n. (Historical, chiefly in the plural) A form of torture in which the legs were crushed between pieces of wood.
BERNICLE n. a kind of wild goose, aka brant or barnacle.
BLANCHERblancher n. One who, or that which, blanches or whitens; especially, one who anneals and cleanses money, or a chemical…
blancher n. A machine for blanching or whitening.
blancher n. (Obsolete) One who, or that which, frightens away or turns aside.
BLENCHERblencher n. (Obsolete) One who, or that which, scares another; specifically, a person stationed to prevent the escape…
blencher n. (Obsolete) One who flinches or shrinks back.
BLENCHER n. a person stationed to prevent the escape of the deer, at a hunt.
RUNCIBLEruncible adj. (Humorous) A nonce word used for humorous effect.
RUNCIBLE adj. a nonsense word applied by Edward Lear to a spoon with fork tines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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