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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, I, R and T

ACERBITYacerbity n. Sourness of taste, with bitterness and astringency, like that of unripe fruit.
acerbity n. Harshness, bitterness, or severity.
acerbity n. (Countable) Something harsh (e.g. a remark, act or experience).
BACTERIAbacteria n. Plural of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US) A type, species, or strain of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US, proscribed) Alternative form of bacterium.
BACTERICbacteric adj. Of or relating to bacteria.
BACTERIC adj. of bacteria.
BACTERINbacterin n. A suspension of killed or attenuated bacteria for use as a vaccine.
BACTERIN n. a vaccine derived from dead bacteria.
BISECTORbisector n. (Geometry) A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts.
BISECTOR n. a line that divides into two parts.
BITCHERYbitchery n. Behavior considered typical of a bitch.
BITCHERY n. ill-tempered, malicious behaviour.
BITCHIERbitchier adj. Comparative form of bitchy: more bitchy.
BITCHY adj. catty.
BORACITEboracite n. (Mineralogy) A mixed chloride and borate of magnesium that occurs as a white to green crystalline evaporite…
BORACITE n. a compound of magnesium usually occurring as greyish-white cubic crystals.
BOTCHIERbotchier adj. Comparative form of botchy: more botchy.
BOTCHY adj. done badly.
BRATTICEbrattice n. (Mining) A wooden partition in a coal mine.
brattice n. (Historical) A wooden structure used for attack or defence, such as an archery tower, or a penthouse…
brattice v. (Transitive) To divide into partitions of this kind.
BRETTICEbrettice n. Alternative form of brattice.
brettice v. Alternative form of brattice.
BRETTICE n. a wooden tower used in mediaeval siege operations.
BRICHTERBRICHT adj. (Scots) bright.
BRITCHESbritches n. (Chiefly Appalachia, Southern US) Alternative form of breeches (pants, trousers).
BRITCHES n. a type of trousers, also BREECHES, BREEKS.
BRUCITESbrucites n. Plural of brucite.
BRUCITE n. a mineral, magnesium hydroxide.
CATBRIERCATBRIER n. a thorny vine, also CATBRIAR.
CRIBRATEcribrate adj. Cribriform.
CRIBRATE adj. perforated like a sieve, also CRIBROUS, CRIBROSE.
RABIETICrabietic adj. (Dated) rabid; affected with rabies.
RABIETIC adj. suffering from rabies, an infectious viral disease.
YTTERBICytterbic adj. Of or pertaining to ytterbium.
YTTERBIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, ytterbium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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