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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, C, D, O, R and S

BARCODESbarcodes n. Plural of barcode.
bar␣codes n. Plural of bar code.
BARCODE n. an arrangement, readable by computer, of thick and thin parallel lines, e.g. printed on, and giving coded details of, goods at a point of sale, library books, etc.
BECROWDSbecrowds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of becrowd.
BECROWD v. to press closely together.
BEDROCKSbedrocks n. Plural of bedrock.
BEDROCK n. the rock underlying other unconsolidated material, i.e. soil.
BROCADESbrocades n. Plural of brocade.
brocades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brocade.
BROCADE v. (French) to weave a silky fabric with a raised design.
BROCARDSbrocards n. Plural of brocard.
BROCARD n. (French) an elementary legal principle or maxim.
BUCARDOSbucardos n. Plural of bucardo.
BUCARDO n. (Spanish) a recently extinct species of Spanish mountain goat.
BURDOCKSburdocks n. Plural of burdock.
BURDOCK n. a coarse dandelion-like plant.
CHOBDARSchobdars n. Plural of chobdar.
Chobdars n. Plural of Chobdar.
CHOBDAR n. (Urdu) in the Indian subcontinent, an usher bearing a staff, attending on a dignitary.
CORDOBAScordobas n. Plural of cordoba.
CORDOBA n. (Spanish) a monetary unit of Nicaragua.
COWBIRDScowbirds n. Plural of cowbird.
COWBIRD n. a kind of American starling, so called because frequently associated with cattle.
OBSCUREDobscured v. Simple past tense and past participle of obscure.
obscured adj. Made hidden, less visible, or dark.
OBSCURE v. to make indistinct.
SCOMBRIDscombrid n. Any fish of the family Scombridae.
scombrid adj. Characteristic of these fish.
SCOMBRID n. a fish of the Scombridae, the mackerel genus, also SCOMBROID.
SCROBBEDSCROB v. to scrape with or as with claws.
SUBCHORDsubchord n. (Geometry) A portion of a chord.
SUBCHORD n. a subdivision of a chord.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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