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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing B, E, N, R, T and U

BEERNUTbeer␣nut n. (Australia) A peanut served with its husk (but not its shell).
BEERNUT n. a peanut with a sweet coating.
BLUNTERblunter adj. Comparative form of blunt: more blunt.
BLUNT adj. not sharp or pointed.
BRUNETSbrunets n. Plural of brunet.
Brunets prop.n. Plural of Brunet.
BRUNET n. a (male) person with brown or dark hair.
BRUNTEDbrunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of brunt.
BRUNT v. to bear the chief stress of.
BUNTERSbunters n. Plural of bunter.
BUNTER n. a female ragpicker.
BUNTIERBUNTY adj. having bunt, a disease of wheat.
BURNETSburnets n. Plural of burnet.
BURNET n. a moth of the genus Zygaena, having red-spotted wings.
BURSTENbursten v. (Now rare) past participle of burst.
bursten adj. Burst; broken; ruptured.
bursten adj. Affected with a rupture or hernia.
BURTHENburthen n. (Obsolete or historical, nautical) The tonnage of a ship based on the number of tuns of wine that it…
burthen n. Archaic form of burden.
burthen v. Archaic form of burden.
SUBRENTsubrent v. (Transitive) To rent to a third person something that one is renting from another.
SUBRENT v. to sublet or rent out (a property that is already rented).
TRIBUNEtribune n. An elected official in Ancient Rome.
tribune n. (Military tribune) (Latin tribunus militum, "tribune of the soldiers"): an officer of the Roman army…
tribune n. A protector of the people.
TURBINEturbine n. Any of various rotary machines that use the kinetic energy of a continuous stream of fluid (a liquid…
TURBINE n. a type of engine, also TURBO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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