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There are 19 seven-letter words containing B, E, I, L, R and T

BLISTERblister n. A small bubble between the layers of the skin that contains watery or bloody fluid and is caused by…
blister n. A swelling on a plant.
blister n. (Medicine) Something applied to the skin to raise a blister; a vesicatory or other applied medicine.
BLITHERblither adj. Comparative form of blithe: more blithe.
blither v. To talk foolishly; to blather.
BLITHER v. to talk loquacious nonsense, also BLATHER, BLETHER.
BLITTERblitter n. (Computing) A software or hardware mechanism that blits.
BLITTER n. a chip or system that performs blit transfers.
BLITZERblitzer n. (American football) One engaging in a blitz.
Blitzer prop.n. A surname.
BLITZER n. one who blitzes.
BRISTLEbristle n. A stiff or coarse hair, usually and especially on a nonhuman mammal.
bristle n. A chaeta: an analogous filament on arthropods, annelids, or other animals.
bristle n. The hairs or other filaments that make up a brush, broom, or similar item, typically made from plant…
BRITTLEbrittle adj. Inflexible; liable to break, snap, or shatter easily under stress, pressure, or impact.
brittle adj. Not physically tough or tenacious; apt to break or crumble when bending.
brittle adj. (Archaeology) Said of rocks and minerals with a conchoidal fracture; capable of being knapped or flaked.
DRIBLETdriblet n. A small portion or part.
driblet n. A small or petty sum.
DRIBLET n. a small drop of liquid, also DRIBBLET.
FILBERTfilbert n. The hazelnut.
filbert n. The hazel tree.
filbert n. A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.
GILBERTgilbert n. The CGS unit of magnetomotive force equal to 0.7958 ampere-turns.
Gilbert prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages.
Gilbert prop.n. A surname.
LIBERTYliberty n. The condition of being free from control or restrictions.
liberty n. The condition of being free from imprisonment, slavery or forced labour.
liberty n. The condition of being free to act, believe or express oneself as one chooses.
LIBRATElibrate n. (Now historical) A piece of land having a value of one pound per year.
librate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To place in a balance; to weigh.
librate v. (Intransitive) To oscillate (like the beam of a balance).
REBUILTrebuilt v. Simple past tense and past participle of rebuild.
rebuilt adj. Which has been rebuilt.
REBUILD v. to build again.
RIBLETSriblets n. Plural of riblet.
RIBLET n. the rib end in a breast of lamb or veal.
TABLIERtablier n. (Obsolete) Chessboard.
tablier n. (Anatomy) An enlarged labia minora characteristic of certain African women.
tablier n. A protective skirt or similar structure.
TIMBRELtimbrel n. An ancient percussion instrument rather like a simple tambourine.
timbrel v. (Intransitive) To play the timbrel.
timbrel v. (Transitive) To accompany with the sound of the timbrel.
TRIABLEtriable adj. (Law) Capable of being tried.
TRIABLE adj. subject to judicial examination.
TRIBBLEtribble n. A horizontal frame with wires stretched across it for drying paper.
tribble n. A fictional alien creature in Star Trek, a fast-breeding, cooing ball of fur.
Tribble prop.n. A surname.
TRIBLETtriblet n. A tapering cylinder used in metalcraft, usually made of steel, used to expand or measure a ring or hole…
TRIBLET n. a tapering mandrel on which ring-nuts etc. are forged.
TRILOBETRILOBE n. something that has three lobes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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