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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing B, 3O, P and S

BASIDIOSPOROUSBASIDIOSPOROUS adj. of or like a basidiospore, a spore produced by a basidium.
BIOPROSPECTORSbioprospectors n. Plural of bioprospector.
BOUSTROPHEDONSboustrophedons n. Plural of boustrophedon.
BOUSTROPHEDON n. (Greek) a method of writing in which lines are written alternately in opposite direction, from left to right, and right to left.
BRONCHOSCOPIESbronchoscopies n. Plural of bronchoscopy (plural count noun sense denoting instances of the mass noun sense [i.e., countable…
BRONCHOSCOPY n. examination of the bronchi.
BRONCHOSCOPISTbronchoscopist n. One who carries out bronchoscopy.
BRONCHOSCOPIST n. one who uses a bronchoscope, an instrument for examining the windpipe.
GERONTOPHOBIASGERONTOPHOBIA n. a fear of old age or of growing old.
PALEOBIOLOGIESPALEOBIOLOGY n. a branch of paleontology concerned with the biology of fossil organisms, also PALAEBIOLOGY, PALAEOBIOLOGY.
PALEOBIOLOGISTpaleobiologist n. A biologist whose speciality is paleobiology.
PALEOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies paleobiology.
PATHOBIOLOGIESpathobiologies n. Plural of pathobiology.
PATHOBIOLOGY n. the biology of disease.
PHOTOBIOLOGIESPHOTOBIOLOGY n. the study of the effects of light on organisms.
PHOTOBIOLOGISTphotobiologist n. A biologist whose speciality is photobiology.
PHOTOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies photobiology.
PSYCHOBIOLOGICpsychobiologic adj. Synonym of psychobiological.
PSYCHOBIOLOGIC adj. relating to psychobiology.
STROBOSCOPICALstroboscopical adj. Synonym of stroboscopic.
STROBOSCOPICAL adj. of or like a stroboscope, an instrument for studying motion using flashes of light, also STROBOSCOPIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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