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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing B, H, O, P, S and U

AMPHIBIOUSNESSamphibiousness n. The state or quality of being amphibious.
AMPHIBIOUSNESS n. the state of being amphibious.
BOUSTROPHEDONSboustrophedons n. Plural of boustrophedon.
BOUSTROPHEDON n. (Greek) a method of writing in which lines are written alternately in opposite direction, from left to right, and right to left.
BUPRENORPHINESBUPRENORPHINE n. an opiate used medicinally as a powerful analgesic.
BUTYROPHENONESbutyrophenones n. Plural of butyrophenone.
BUTYROPHENONE n. any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (as haloperidol) used esp. in the treatment of schizophrenia.
CLAUSTROPHOBESclaustrophobes n. Plural of claustrophobe.
CLAUSTROPHOBE n. one with a fear of confined spaces.
CLAUSTROPHOBIAclaustrophobia n. The fear of closed, tight places.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA n. fear of closed spaces.
CLAUSTROPHOBICclaustrophobic adj. (Psychology) Suffering from claustrophobia; being scared of being enclosed in a confined space.
claustrophobic adj. Cramped and confined, so as to induce claustrophobia.
claustrophobic n. Someone with claustrophobia.
COMPUTERPHOBEScomputerphobes n. Plural of computerphobe.
COMPUTERPHOBE n. one with a fear of computers.
EUPHORBIACEOUSeuphorbiaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae of spurges.
EUPHORBIACEOUS adj. belonging to the euphorbia family.
MICROPUBLISHERmicropublisher n. A publisher of microform publications.
micropublisher n. A publisher operating on a small scale, or for a niche audience.
MICROPUBLISHER n. one who publishes in microform, a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
NANOPUBLISHINGnanopublishing n. Blog-based publishing intended for a certain niche audience.
NANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
OMBUDSMANSHIPSombudsmanships n. Plural of ombudsmanship.
OMBUDSMANSHIP n. the office of ombudsman.
SUBATMOSPHERICsubatmospheric adj. Less than atmospheric (pressure).
SUBATMOSPHERIC adj. less or lower than that of the atmosphere.
SUBDEACONSHIPSsubdeaconships n. Plural of subdeaconship.
SUBDEACONSHIP n. the office of subdeacon.
SUBEDITORSHIPSsubeditorships n. Plural of subeditorship.
SUBEDITORSHIP n. the office of subeditor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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