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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing B, G, 2N, T and U

CONGLOBULATINGconglobulating v. Present participle of conglobulate.
CONGLOBULATE v. to form into a ball.
CONGLOBULATIONconglobulation n. The act, or the result of conglobulating.
CONGLOBULATION n. the act of conglobulating, forming into a ball.
COUNTERBIDDINGcounterbidding v. Present participle of counterbid.
COUNTERBRACINGcounterbracing v. Present participle of counterbrace.
COUNTERBRACE v. to brace or fasten (the head-yards and after-yards) in opposite ways.
COUNTERBUFFINGcounterbuffing v. Present participle of counterbuff.
COUNTERBUFF v. to rebuff.
IMMUNOBLOTTINGimmunoblotting n. The use of immunoblots to analyse proteins.
IMMUNOBLOTTING n. the act of making immunoblots.
MOUNTEBANKINGSMOUNTEBANKING n. acting as a mountebank.
OVERBURTHENINGoverburthening v. Present participle of overburthen.
OVERBURTHEN v. (archaic) to overburden, also OVERBURDEN.
SOMNAMBULATINGsomnambulating v. Present participle of somnambulate.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.
SUBCONTRACTINGsubcontracting v. Present participle of subcontract.
SUBCONTRACTING n. the act of subcontracting.
SUBGENERATIONSsubgenerations n. Plural of subgeneration.
SUBGENERATION n. a subdivision of a generation.
SUBGOVERNMENTSsubgovernments n. Plural of subgovernment.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
SUBINFEUDATINGsubinfeudating v. Present participle of subinfeudate.
SUBINFEUDATE v. to grant to another land held by another feudal lord, also SUBFEU, SUBINFEUD.
SUBINTRODUCINGSUBINTRODUCE v. to bring in surreptitiously or subtly.
SUBMINISTERINGsubministering v. Present participle of subminister.
SUBMINISTER v. to supply, to administer.
SUBSTANTIATINGsubstantiating v. Present participle of substantiate.
SUBSTANTIATE v. to give substance or form to.
UNDERBUDGETINGunderbudgeting v. Present participle of underbudget.
UNDERBUDGET v. to allow too low a budget.
UNINTELLIGIBLEunintelligible adj. Not intelligible; unable to be understood.
UNINTELLIGIBLE adj. not intelligible.
UNINTELLIGIBLYunintelligibly adv. In an unintelligible manner.
UNINTELLIGIBLE adv. not intelligible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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