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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, 2E, G, T and U

BELEAGUERMENTSbeleaguerments n. Plural of beleaguerment.
BELEAGUERMENT n. the state of being beleaguered.
BUTTERFINGEREDbutterfingered adj. Prone to dropping things; clumsy.
butter-fingered adj. Alternative form of butterfingered.
BUTTERFINGERED adj. apt to let things fall or slip through the fingers.
DISEMBOGUEMENTdisemboguement n. The act of disemboguing; discharge.
DISEMBOGUEMENT n. the act of disemboguing.
EXTINGUISHABLEextinguishable adj. Able to be extinguished.
EXTINGUISHABLE adj. that can be extinguished.
FATIGUABLENESSfatiguableness n. Alternative form of fatigableness.
FATIGUABLE n. easily tired, also FATIGABLE.
FUSSBUDGETIESTFUSSBUDGETY adj. like a fussbudget, a person who fusses about unimportant things.
OVERBURTHENINGoverburthening v. Present participle of overburthen.
OVERBURTHEN v. (archaic) to overburden, also OVERBURDEN.
SUBCATEGORISEDsubcategorised v. Simple past tense and past participle of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
SUBCATEGORISESsubcategorises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
SUBCATEGORIZEDsubcategorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUBCATEGORIZESsubcategorizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUBGENERATIONSsubgenerations n. Plural of subgeneration.
SUBGENERATION n. a subdivision of a generation.
SUBGOVERNMENTSsubgovernments n. Plural of subgovernment.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
TURBOGENERATORturbogenerator n. A turbine directly connected to an electric generator in order to generate power.
turbo-generator n. Alternative form of turbogenerator.
TURBOGENERATOR n. an electric generator driven by a turbine.
UNDERBUDGETINGunderbudgeting v. Present participle of underbudget.
UNDERBUDGET v. to allow too low a budget.
UNINTELLIGIBLEunintelligible adj. Not intelligible; unable to be understood.
UNINTELLIGIBLE adj. not intelligible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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