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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing B, 3E, H and T

BENZANTHRACENEbenzanthracene n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two isomeric tetracyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed by the fusion of…
BENZANTHRACENE n. a crystalline carcinogenic cyclic hydrocarbon that is found in small amounts in coal tar.
BIGHEARTEDNESSbigheartedness n. The quality of being bighearted.
big-heartedness n. Alternative form of bigheartedness.
BIGHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being bighearted.
BLITHESOMENESSblithesomeness n. The quality of being blithesome.
BLITHESOMENESS n. the state of being blithesome.
BREATHLESSNESSbreathlessness n. The state of being breathless or out of breath.
breathlessness n. (Pathology) Difficult or labored respiration, dyspnea, shortness of breath.
BREATHLESSNESS n. the state of being breathless.
EMBELLISHMENTSembellishments n. Plural of embellishment.
EMBELLISHMENT n. the act of embellishing.
FEATHERBEDDINGfeatherbedding v. Present participle of featherbed.
featherbedding n. (US) The employment of more workers than is necessary, typically because of labor union rules (or sometimes…
feather-bedding v. Present participle of feather-bed.
FEATHERBRAINEDfeatherbrained adj. Alternative spelling of feather-brained.
feather-brained adj. Foolish, scatterbrained.
FEATHERBRAINED adj. foolish.
HETEROBLASTIESHETEROBLASTY n. the state of being heteroblastic.
HETEROFLEXIBLEheteroflexible adj. Primarily heterosexual, but open to taking part in a limited amount of homosexual activity.
heteroflexible n. Someone who is heteroflexible.
HETEROFLEXIBLE n. one of flexible sexual orientation.
HYPEREXCITABLEhyperexcitable adj. Unusually or excessively excitable.
HYPEREXCITABLE adj. excessively excitable.
METHOXYBENZENEmethoxybenzene n. (Organic chemistry) The methyl ether derived from phenol; it is used in perfumery and is an insect pheromone.
METHOXYBENZENE n. another name for anisole, a colourless liquid ether.
PREESTABLISHEDpreestablished v. Simple past tense and past participle of preestablish.
preëstablished v. Simple past tense and past participle of preëstablish.
pre-established v. Simple past tense and past participle of pre-establish.
PREESTABLISHESpreestablishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preestablish.
preëstablishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preëstablish.
pre-establishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pre-establish.
THIMBLEBERRIESthimbleberries n. Plural of thimbleberry.
THIMBLEBERRY n. any of several American raspberries or blackberries having thimble-shaped fruit.
THREADBARENESSthreadbareness n. The state or condition of being threadbare.
THREADBARENESS n. the state of being threadbare.
WEATHERBOARDEDweatherboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of weatherboard.
WEATHERBOARD v. to fit such a board.
WHORTLEBERRIESwhortleberries n. Plural of whortleberry.
WHORTLEBERRY n. a widely spread heath plant; its dark blue edible berry, also HURTLEBERRY, WHORT, WHORTLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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