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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing B, 3E, F and L

BENEFICIALNESSbeneficialness n. The state or quality of being beneficial.
BENEFICIALNESS n. the state of being beneficial.
BLAMEFULNESSESBLAMEFULNESS n. the state of being blameful.
DEFEASIBLENESSdefeasibleness n. Defeasibility.
DEFEASIBLE n. that may be annulled.
DEFENSIBLENESSdefensibleness n. Capability of being defended; defensibility.
DEFENSIBLENESS n. the state of being defensible.
DIFFERENTIABLEdifferentiable adj. (Calculus, not comparable) Having a derivative, said of a function whose domain and codomain are manifolds.
differentiable adj. (Comparable, of multiple items) able to be differentiated; distinguishable, as for example by differing…
DIFFERENTIABLE adj. that can be differentiated.
FALLIBLENESSESFALLIBLENESS n. the state of being fallible.
FEASIBLENESSESFEASIBLENESS n. the state of being feasible.
FEEBLEMINDEDLYfeeblemindedly adv. Alternative form of feeble-mindedly.
feeble-mindedly adv. In a feeble-minded manner; as if feeble-minded.
FEEBLEMINDED adv. mentally deficient.
FERMENTESCIBLEfermentescible adj. Fermentable.
FERMENTESCIBLE adj. capable of being fermented.
FILTERABLENESSFILTERABLENESS n. the state of being filterable, also FILTRABLENESS.
FINEABLENESSESFINEABLENESS n. the state of being fineable.
FLEXIBLENESSESFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being flexible.
FORCIBLENESSESFORCIBLENESS n. the state of being forcible.
FORESEEABILITYforeseeability n. The state or characteristic of being foreseeable; predictability.
FORESEEABILITY n. the state of being foreseeable.
HETEROFLEXIBLEheteroflexible adj. Primarily heterosexual, but open to taking part in a limited amount of homosexual activity.
heteroflexible n. Someone who is heteroflexible.
HETEROFLEXIBLE n. one of flexible sexual orientation.
INFEASIBLENESSinfeasibleness n. The quality of being infeasible; infeasibility.
INFEASIBLENESS n. the state of being infeasible.
INFLEXIBLENESSinflexibleness n. The quality or state of being inflexible.
inflexibleness n. Obstinacy of will or temper; firmness of purpose that will not yield to importunity or persuasion; unbending…
INFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being inflexible.
PREFERABLENESSpreferableness n. The quality or state of being preferable.
PREFERABLENESS n. the state of being preferable.
SUFFERABLENESSsufferableness n. The state of being sufferable.
SUFFERABLENESS n. the state of being sufferable.
VERIFIABLENESSverifiableness n. (Nonstandard) The quality of being verifiable.
VERIFIABLENESS n. the state of being verifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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