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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, H, N, R, T and U

BOUSTROPHEDONboustrophedon adv. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) In a fashion such that the reading direction changes from right-to-left…
boustrophedon adj. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) Written from right-to-left and left-to-right on alternate lines.
boustrophedon adj. (Figuratively) Changing direction, going back and forth.
BRUTISHNESSESbrutishnesses n. Plural of brutishness.
BRUTISHNESS n. the state of being brutish.
BUTYROPHENONEbutyrophenone n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (such as haloperidol) used especially in the treatment…
BUTYROPHENONE n. any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (as haloperidol) used esp. in the treatment of schizophrenia.
CHATEAUBRIANDchateaubriand n. A thick, juicy cut from the center of a beef tenderloin.
châteaubriand n. Alternative spelling of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
DISBURTHENINGdisburthening v. Present participle of disburthen.
DISBURTHEN v. to get rid of a burden, also DISBURDEN.
HEARTBURNINGSheartburnings n. Plural of heartburning.
HEARTBURNING n. intense or rancorous jealousy or resentment.
HONOURABILITYhonourability n. A state or condition or being honourable.
HONOURABILITY n. the quality of being honourable, also HONORABILITY.
INTERBOROUGHSSorry, definition not available.
MULTIBRANCHEDmultibranched adj. Having more than one branch.
MULTIBRANCHED adj. having many branches.
NIGHTCLUBBERSnightclubbers n. Plural of nightclubber.
NIGHTCLUBBER n. one who attends nightclubs.
OVERBURTHENEDoverburthened v. Simple past tense and past participle of overburthen.
OVERBURTHEN v. (archaic) to overburden, also OVERBURDEN.
REFURBISHMENTrefurbishment n. The act of refurbishing; renovation.
REFURBISHMENT n. the act of refurbishing.
SUBARRHATIONSSUBARRHATION n. an ancient form of betrothal in which pledges of money, rings, etc. were given by the man to the woman, also SUBARRATION.
SUBCHARTERINGSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
SUBINHIBITORYsubinhibitory adj. (Medicine) Describing a concentration or dosage less than an inhibitory level.
SUBINHIBITORY adj. below a level that causes inhibition.
THYROGLOBULINthyroglobulin n. (Biochemistry) A globulin, produced by the thyroid gland, that has a role in the production of the thyroid hormones.
THYROGLOBULIN n. an iodine-containing protein of the thyroid gland that is the precursor of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
TOOTHBRUSHINGtoothbrushing v. Present participle of toothbrush.
toothbrushing n. An act of brushing the teeth.
TOOTHBRUSHING n. the action of using a toothbrush to clean teeth.
TURBOCHARGINGturbocharging v. Present participle of turbocharge.
TURBOCHARGING n. the act of fitting with a turbocharger.
UNBROTHERLIKEunbrotherlike adj. Not brotherlike.
UNBROTHERLIKE adj. not like a brother.
UNSMOTHERABLEunsmotherable adj. (Figurative) unquenchable.
UNSMOTHERABLE adj. that cannot be smothered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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