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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, M, 2O and U

BROMELIACEOUSbromeliaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Bromeliaceae of flowering plants.
BROMELIACEOUS adj. belonging to the Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family.
COMPUTERPHOBEcomputerphobe n. A person afflicted by computerphobia; one who fears or dislikes computers.
COMPUTERPHOBE n. one with a fear of computers.
COULOMBMETERScoulombmeters n. Plural of coulombmeter.
COULOMBMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of a substance released in electrolysis, also COULOMETER.
EMBOURGEOISEDembourgeoised v. Simple past tense and past participle of embourgeoise.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
EMBOURGEOISESembourgeoises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embourgeoise.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
IMMUNOSORBENTimmunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antibody that is used to remove a specific antigen from a mixture.
immunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antigen that is used to remove a specific antibody from a mixture.
immunosorbent adj. Relating to the absorption of antibodies by insoluble antigens.
MOUTHBROODERSmouthbrooders n. Plural of mouthbrooder.
MOUTHBROODER n. a cichlid fish that carries its young in its mouth for protection, also MOUTHBREEDER.
NEUROBLASTOMAneuroblastoma n. (Oncology) A form of cancer that affects the ganglia in various parts of the body.
NEUROBLASTOMA n. a tumour of the nervous system.
NEUROFIBROMASneurofibromas n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
OMBUDSPERSONSombudspersons n. Plural of ombudsperson.
OVERAMBITIOUSoverambitious adj. Excessively ambitious.
OVERAMBITIOUS adj. excessively ambitious.
PLUMBOSOLVENTplumbosolvent adj. Exhibiting plumbosolvency.
PLUMBOSOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBISOLVENT.
PRECOMBUSTIONprecombustion adj. Alternative spelling of pre-combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Occurring prior to combustion.
pre-combustion adj. Concerned with a phase prior to combustion.
SCHUSSBOOMERSschussboomers n. Plural of schussboomer.
SCHUSSBOOMER n. a very proficient schusser.
SUBCOMPONENTSsubcomponents n. Plural of subcomponent.
SUBCOMPONENT n. a subordinate component.
TROUBLESOMELYtroublesomely adv. In a troublesome manner.
TROUBLESOME adv. causing trouble.
UNCOMFORTABLEuncomfortable adj. Not comfortable; causing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Experiencing discomfort.
uncomfortable adj. Uneasy or anxious.
UNCONFORMABLEunconformable adj. Not conformable.
unconformable adj. (Geology) Exhibiting unconformity.
UNCONFORMABLE adj. not conforming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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