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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, H, P and 2R

BARRISTERSHIPbarristership n. The role or status of a barrister.
BARRISTERSHIP n. the office of barrister.
BIBLIOGRAPHERbibliographer n. A person who compiles bibliographies, or who studies bibliography.
BIBLIOGRAPHER n. an expert in bibliography.
BIOGEOGRAPHERbiogeographer n. A person engaged in biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHER n. a practitioner of biogeography.
BRACHYPTERISMBRACHYPTERISM n. the state of having abnormally short wings.
BRACHYPTEROUSbrachypterous adj. (Zoology) Having short, possibly non-functional wings.
BRACHYPTEROUS adj. having short wings.
BRACHYTHERAPYbrachytherapy n. Radiotherapy using radioactive sources positioned within (or close to) the treatment volume, typically…
BRACHYTHERAPY n. a medical procedure used in the treatment of prostate cancer.
BUPRENORPHINEbuprenorphine n. (Pharmacology) A semisynthetic narcotic analgesic that is administered in the form of its hydrochloride…
BUPRENORPHINE n. an opiate used medicinally as a powerful analgesic.
ERYTHROPHOBIAerythrophobia n. Abnormal and persistent fear of blushing.
erythrophobia n. Abnormal and persistent fear of the colour red.
ERYTHROPHOBIA n. an aversion to the color red; an extreme fear of blushing.
HYPERURBANISMhyperurbanism n. (Linguistics) the creation of a non-standard form by mimicking the standard dialect.
HYPERURBANISM n. use of hypercorrect forms in language.
HYPERVARIABLEhypervariable adj. Having a high degree of variability.
IAMBOGRAPHERSiambographers n. Plural of iambographer.
IAMBOGRAPHER n. one who writes in iambics.
PARAPHRASABLEparaphrasable adj. Able to be paraphrased.
PARAPHRASABLE adj. capable of being paraphrased.
PERENNIBRANCHperennibranch n. (Zoology) Any perennibranchiate organism.
PERENNIBRANCH n. a creature that retains the gills throughout life.
PRESBYTERSHIPpresbytership n. The office or station of a presbyter; presbyterate.
PRESBYTERSHIP n. the office of presbyter, an elder in the early Christian church.
REPREHENDABLEREPREHENDABLE adj. that can be reprehended.
REPREHENSIBLEreprehensible adj. Blameworthy, censurable, guilty.
reprehensible adj. Deserving of reprehension.
reprehensible n. A reprehensible person; a villain.
REPREHENSIBLYreprehensibly adv. In a reprehensible manner.
REPREHENSIBLE adv. worthy of or deserving reprehension.
RHABDOSPHERESrhabdospheres n. Plural of rhabdosphere.
RHABDOSPHERE n. an aggregation of rhabdoliths in oceanic ooze.
SNOBOGRAPHERSsnobographers n. Plural of snobographer.
SNOBOGRAPHER n. one who engages in snobography, the description of snobs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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